How Power Corrupted the Pigs Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
The satire Animal Farm by George Orwell expressesthe idea of self-government through the animals. Theanimals play the role of humans, in this way usingmost, if not all, of the human characteristics. Because the animals decide that they want to run thefarm by themselves, they make up a way of livingcalled Animalism. The basic principles of Animalismare two, all animals are to be treated as equals, and no animals shall acquire any human traits orcharacteristics whatsoever. The seven commandmentsunder which they live are based on these majorprinciples. As soon as they develop a whole newsystem, they throw out all of the humans that run thefarm. Even though they are supposed to be equal, thepigs begin to take control. By the end of the novel,the pigs have manipulated the rest of the animals intodoing everything they want. The pigs then becomealmost exactly like the humans. The most importantpigs are Napoleon and Snowball, that is until Napoleonthrows Snowball from the farm. It is throughout thissatire that Orwell illustrates how power corrupts byshowing the pigs actions. ......
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