Oparin's theory of the orgin of life Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Little is known about the history of life. The earth is said to be about 4.5 billion years old and with in those years an estimated 10 million species have roamed the earth. It all started out as an organic soup containing the most basic molecules that make up every life form today. Those molecules are: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur. These molecules were all just floating around in the atmosphere bumping into each other. At this time on the earth everything was hot and volcanic energy was everywhere. With all the free energy the molecules were able to randomly bump into each other and bond and then break apart. Oparin was a scientist that hypothesized that these were the most common molecules on the earth at the time: CH4 (methane gas), H2 (hydrogen gas), H20 (water), and NH3 (ammonia gas). There was no oxygen or carbon dioxide at this time because living creatures produce those two molecules, and there was no living life. Oparin said that with all the excess energy bonds were made and broken until a molecule got so large and heavy that it fell......
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