Northwest Rebellion and the Canadian Military Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
The Northwest Rebellion ensured that Canada would have a Standing Military and not rely so heavily on untrained volunteers. The rebellion would also be a chance to prove itself free of the need for British protection and that indeed apron strings were cut. It will be shown that through the need to settle the rebellion in the west, Canadas new military emerged from a volunteer militia, to a professional force.
With the British military presence mostly withdrawn within the Dominion upon the signing of the British North America Act, a large void was left in the protection of post-confederation Canada from the Americans to the south. At this time the government of Canada had assumed that the west was fully under its control and that any unrest was at the hands of the Northwest Mounted Police. In order to defend its new borders as the newly formed country emerged from the womb of confederation it relied upon a small force. The permanent military force in Canada consisted of A and B batteries and volunteer militias to defend its borders. It was the voulenteers that se......
Word Count: 543
Page Count: 2.1 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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