Nocturnal Nirvana and Daylight Doom Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
It is a sad but true fact that since I was a little boy I watched the clock tick down as time ran out and as night approached. The reasons for this obsession was not because I enjoyed the gold trimmed numbers around my Mothers vintage grandfather clock or because I was in awe from the tremendous booming noise it made on the occasional hour. My hobby to stare at the clock was because as each minute ticked down and as the sun grew dimmer, I knew in the back of my mind that night would be upon us and my fears of the day would cease. This is a somewhat ironic concept to understand in that the majority of kids my age feared for their safety as the hour for bedtime grew closer where as I feared the light of day. It is a well-known and respected fact that most children under the age of about ten, know of the existence of monsters and such creatures that haunt the depths of their room. Also, these beasts are unfortunately somehow invisible to the mature eye of parents or anybody else that is unfortunate enough to come to their aid after hearing their gut-wrenching screams of utter fear. A......
Word Count: 1368
Page Count: 5.4 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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