What is in yours? Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
From the moment parents bring their new baby home from the hospital, they watch their baby's progress, anticipating every inch of growth and each new developmental milestone along the way. But what exactly are they watching for and how do parents know if their child is growing properly? Growth is the various physical and developmental milestones that most children reach during each age level. Physical growth, which is generally measured in terms of height, weight and head growth, is also monitored carefully. This includes increases in height and weight as well as development in cognitive, language, and social skills. Hair grows; teeth come in, come out, and come in again; and eventually puberty hits. It's all part of the growth process. The first year of an infant's life is a time of astonishing change. During this time, a baby will grow rapidly and achieve major developmental milestones, such as taking first steps or maybe even saying a few first words. On average, babies grow 10 inches in height while tripling birth weight by their first birthday. Beginning in infancy, a child wi......
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