A Stately Pleasure-Dome Decree:: Coleridges Critique of Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Few ideas are more known than the obtaining of wealth and power, but in Kubla Khan, Coleridge presents the two opposing ideas of materialism and imagination. Coleridges poem is one of the best known from the Romantic era, and it sends a simple message through the intricate use of complex rhyming patterns, symbols and nature imagery. In Kubla Khan, Coleridge denounces material goods as the path to happiness and argues that the real way to achieve pleasure is by using imagination and creativity.
Samuel Coleridge organizes his poem into two distinct parts. The first part deals with the historical story of the great Kublai Khan, emperor of the Mongols and grandson of the great Genghis Khan. The second half of the poem is Coleridges own dream of a woman playing a dulcimer. He feels that if he can just place within himself the spirit of the damsel and the sound of her instrument he can achieve his own happiness.
The first couple of lines introduce the main character of the poem and how his accomplishments began, In Xanadu did Kubla Khan/A stately pleasure-dome decre......
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Page Count: 6.1 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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