Odysseus' Character Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Order and chaos have a strong relationship as demonstrated through the experiences of Odysseus, his wife Penelope and many others who surrounded them, and out of each chaotic situation emerged order. To begin describing the relationship between order and chaos, mentioning OdysseusÂ’ strengths and weaknesses are important, as he is a pivotal figure. Essentially, it may be asserted that Odysseus demonstrates strengths such as wittiness and courageousness as well as promiscuity and an inflated ego at times. It is evident in the Odyssey that the latter of these qualities are OdysseusÂ’ downfall, as he suffers tremendously as he and his men are impeded by seductresses on their way home after battle. It is these weaknesses that cause chaos that can only be followed by order.
Though it is well asserted that OdysseusÂ’ character is a well balanced one, the play as it demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses of human beings, it also must be remembered that for a leader such as Odysseus the weaknesses that are described are ones that cause chaos. This is because they contribute largely to th......
Word Count: 1279
Page Count: 5.1 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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