If ecosystems are to cope with human impact, conservation strategies need to be implemented Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
“If ecosystems are to cope with human impact, management and conservation strategies need to be implemented”
The biomes of Grasslands are of large spans of a terrain of grasses, flowers and herbs. Grasslands are scattered all over the world, it is only to local climates that determine what kind of plants brow in a particular region or grassland. Basically, a grassland is a biome amongst a region where the average annual precipitation is enough to support species/types of grasses and occasionally, some trees. However the precipitation could be erratic (lack of consistency) therefore, when there are forest fires, the rate of productivity and growth in the plants are very limited. However a lot of the grasses in grasslands are adapted to forest fires since their stems still manage to sustain growth even when they are burnt off. However the annual precipitation, climate, and hazards that occur in grasslands cause the soil to be thin and too dry for big sized trees to survive.
The North American Prairie is a huge area of land that was once covered with an abundance of grasses and ......
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