China a threat? Not to be fooled. Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
There has been a lot of confusion over who has shown there true colors during the Iraqi crisis. France has basically said they hate the US. Russia, has shown us that she is no longer even a distant "friend". And then there is China. One of the most populated places on earth with the biggest military in the world. What have they said about the war? They have stayed out of things in order to look like they have no part in any of the world affairs. That, is just a cover up. They are planning a massive attack on the Country of North America, and most likely will also take down Canada. The reason? They hate America. And once America is gone they will begin to take over the entire world. They will try to unite the world under a one communist rule. With Russia at there side, who will stop them. America will certainly put up a good fight, but after that who else. Will the rest of the world unite to destroy the Communists, or will they just let the communists take over the world? One thing is for sure. Someone is going to get a stupid idea and start a nuclear war. Humanity will destroy itself......
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