The Red Pony Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
The Red Pony was written by John Stienback and firstpublished in 1933. It tells the story of a boy named Jody wholearns how to be a man and how to lose a best friend. His familysupports him and wants him to be a rancher. Jody had a hard ranch life in Northern California. Jodygoes to a small school near his house. There are many mountainsnear his house which Jody is curious about. There are many wildanimals that live around his house. There is a bay near Jody'shouse where his father fishes. Jody was the main character in the book. He was a boy whoworked with his family on a farm. He was a strong boy, whohelped his father. Jody was curious and kind-hearted boy. Jodyhad a horse trainer named Billy Buck. Billy Buck was the bestcow-hand in the town. Jody's father was a firm, strict man whowanted the best for Jody. He wanted to give his family anythinghe could provide. Jody was very fond of his father. Jody'smother was a loving person. She devoted herself to Jody andalways wanted the best for him. Jody was a boy who was given a horse by his father. He namedthe hor......
Word Count: 718
Page Count: 2.8 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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