technology today Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
In todays world, technology is constantly changing from a new paperclip to an improvement in hospital machinery. Technology lets people improve the way they live so that they can preserve their own personal energy and focus on the really important factors in life. Some people focus their energy on making new innovations to improve transportation and the health of people that may save lives and some people focus on making new designs of packaging CDS. Technology is significant in everyones life because it rapidly changes what is in the market. But, some new innovations of technology are ridiculous because they serve no purpose in helping mankind.
In Ellen DeGeneres article ,This is How We Live, describes all the examples of ridiculous innovations of technology, omitting how technology does help mankind, saying that technology is negative for mankind, and basically eliminating all the positive that technology has to offer. © ) . She believes that technology is hurting the people of America because requires hardly any physical activity and it tortures us. For example, w......
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