Gender Identity Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Gender Identity
When it comes to the topic of gender identity, everyone has his or her own take. Each person sees the world differently because they have experienced different events and situations throughout their life. This is why there are so many avenues to look at when addressing gender identity. There are theories on when and how we develop our distinct gender identities and how it shapes our roles within our own gender, or how our gender roles shape our gender identity. One issue that comes to mind is the controversy over homosexual and transsexual people. Do people chose their sexual orientation or which gender they identify with? This allegation, of course, is ridiculous. But until the religious-conservatives realize that being gay or transsexual is biological and not a choice, this controversy will not be solved. Nature v. nurture is another way to think of this controversy. Does the chicken come from the egg or does the egg come from the chicken? Psychologists over the years have contemplated gender identities and how we develop our own. It seems that which gender we f......
Word Count: 1349
Page Count: 5.3 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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