From Social Interaction to Social Relations Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Approaching the Study of Society: From Social Interaction to Social Relations
Since we introduce sociology as a study of society, it is necessary to clarify our usage of the term society. To capture the essence of what a society is about, we should begin with two of the features that Durkheim associates with societies. The first is that society is sui generis. This implies that social fact such as for instance, increasing average age at marriage for urban women can only be properly explained by relating it to another social fact such as the increasing rate of dowry. To explain the average age at marriage by merely stating that individual women prefer to marry around a particular age is inadequate because it is still necessary to explain why preferences of individuals tend to converge at a higher age. Although society consists of individuals, it is social trends that shape the conduct of individuals. Thus, although individuals exercise choice in terms of the clothes they buy, we can see a pattern in their choice at the level of the society which is known as fashion. And ......
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