Global Warming Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Scientists agree that global warming presents a very serious and severe threat to the health of the Earth. There is ample evidence that the Earth is already displaying symptoms of a warming climate due mostly to greenhouse gas emissions. Continued emissions of greenhouse gases present a clear and present danger to the world as we know it. Global warming does not require a reduction of the standard of living of people. However, it does demand a rapid shift in the patterns of consumption of fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas, to an economy more reliant on solar energy, hydrogen gas, wind biomass, and other renewable energy sources.
What is it
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the earth at temperatures that are livable. In fact, the greenhouse effect is what makes the earth habitable. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, ozone and nitrous oxide are the most common greenhouse gasses. If it were not for the greenhouse effect, temperatures at the Earth's surface today would be much colder then they are now, and life as we know it could not exist. The energy......
Word Count: 1338
Page Count: 5.3 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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