Osteoporosis and the Skeletal System Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Osteoporosis is a disorder that affects the skeletal system by not allowing the osteocytes to signal surface bone cells to reform. It is mostly present in post-menopausal women and causes the bones to be brittle, resulting to the increase of risk for fracture. This is a condition that causes bone mass to decrease, therefore causing bone strength to lessen. Osteoporosis is usually a result of old age and has many treatments, but no cure. In the US, 10 million individuals are estimated to already have the disease and almost 34 million have low bone mass, putting them at increased risk for osteoporosis.
The skeletal system is a 206 bone formation that acts with muscles to provide mobility, support and protection, and a storage space for calcium and phosphorus. Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a disease that deforms the skeletal system. It increases the risk for fracture in various areas of the skeleton. Certain people are more likely to be affected by this disease. For example, osteoporosis is more prevalent in females than males because of their lower bone mass to begin with and the ......
Word Count: 1019
Page Count: 4 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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