Richard Rodriguez - A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Richard Rodriguez wrote in his essay, Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood, about the struggles he faced growing up as a bilingual Hispanic in American society. Throughout his essay, Rodriguez discussed such topics as assimilation and heritage. He goes into depth about the pros and the cons of being forced to assimilate to the American culture. Growing up Hispanic in America was a struggle for Richard Rodriguez. This was due to the fact that he was a Spanish-speaking boy living in an English-speaking society, and he felt like he was different than the other children. Rodriguez attended a Roman Catholic school where many of his classmates were the children of high-class lawyers and doctors. He felt out of place because he was a child of two immigrant, working-class parents. Assimilating to the American culture helped Richard feel more at ease among the other American students. In school, Richard spoke English, but as soon as he got home, Spanish was the language of choice. This had a positive and negative effect on him. By speaking Spanish, it helped Rodriguez preserve his o......
Word Count: 796
Page Count: 3.1 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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