Space exploration Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Space Exploration
Everyone knows how dangerous space exploration can be. It has been involved with many different accidents and deaths. It has been around for centuries, but people are still wondering why we are still sending manned space shuttles into space. With all the dangers involved, you would not think people would keep going back for more. Why is it that people want to be a part of space exploration when they see how dangerous it can be?
There have been many tragedies in space. The first did not even make it to space. The Apollo I was testing the launch pad when a fire broke out that killed all three crew members (Greene para 6). Then, the space shuttle Challenger disaster occurred above the state of Florida on January 28, 1986. It disintegrated after only seventy-three seconds into its flight. The O-ring seal in its right rocket booster failed which caused a flame leak. The shuttle was destroyed and all seven crew members were killed. During the vehicle break-up, the crew cabin detached in one piece and slowly tumbled eventually impacting the oceans surface (Challenger......
Word Count: 1342
Page Count: 5.3 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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