MICHAEL CRICHTON - The sphere Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
The story begins when Navy Force brings Norman to the ship in the middle of Pacific Ocean. Norman is psychologist and he is usually called to airplane crash sites - his job is to deal with traumatic problems of surviving passengers. So he was quite upset and surprised when he had found out there was no airplane crash at all.
On the ship he met a team of three scientists: Beth - the zoologist, Harry - the mathematician and Ted - the astrophysicist. Captain Barnes explained them that unknown, almost three hundred years old spacecraft was found under the sea. Therefore the team of four scientists and five staff members went to a habitat, which was a thousand feet beneath the surface in order to investigate this spacecraft.
When they entered the spacecraft, something disturbed them. That was not an alien ship; it was built by men and sent from the future. Scientists found food and beds, but there wasn't any sign of the crew. On one of their excursions Ted found a large, perfectly polished silver sphere inside the spacecraft. The sphere was troubling their minds for a l......
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Page Count: 5.1 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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