Using Act 1 Scene 5 as a starting point, explore the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
You can see that at the start of the play their relationship is very close. But at the end you may find that their relationship starts to tear apart and they no longer spend so much time together as they used to. You can find their hunger for ambition during this play. For example, the witches tell Macbeth that he will be great. Most people would ignore the witches but Macbeth takes it to heart and starts to question the witches; asking whether they are telling the truth or not. This obviously shows the psychological effect that the witches have on Macbeth.
At the start of Act 1 Scene 5 Macbeths letter to Lady Macbeth reveals Macbeths deepest inner thoughts. It shows that Macbeth obviously trusts her as he tells her the most private of things in this letter. And by confiding in her in such a way it shows how he considers her as an equal and how much he loves her, My dearest partner of greatness. This highlights the significance of the letter as it tells the audience the relationship that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth share at this point in the play. It lets us know how ambitious ......
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