Teenage Abortions Give Opportunity for Lifelong Success Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Teenage Abortions Give Opportunity for Lifelong Success
When I heard that my 14 year old cousin was pregnant a deep sadness came over me. I have never really opened my eyes to the issue of pro choice or pro life, but now having a cousin dealing with an unintended pregnancy at such a young age, I have decided to take a closer look into the options young teenagers have. Abortion, adoption, and parenthood are the different options available to pregnant adolescents. I know exactly what I want for my 14 year old cousin, a life full of opportunities for success. Teenagers should have the right to choose what is best for their situation, whether that be having a baby or an abortion. Being a mother of two, I understand the difficult task of having a child and raising one. Its a full time job. The advantages of having an abortion for an adolescent pregnancy far out weigh having a baby, because 1) she will have a better opportunity to further her education, 2) she will avoid reliving the past struggles of family members who have had children at a very young age, and 3) she can avoid......
Word Count: 1511
Page Count: 6 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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