Discuss the relevance of the 3rd world in the study of international politics Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
The use of the term Third World as it is known today, made its appearance on the world stage in 1052 when Alfred Sauvy made mention of it in an article in the France Observateur. The term gained currency because it suggested a link between the sharp opposition and confrontation between East and West, and the advent of many new and non-aligned states among former colonies of the South. (Lyndon, 1984). The term was therefore derived in the context of a bipolar world as a label to differentiate the newly independent countries from the two rival power blocs, the Western and the Soviet. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union however and the ending of the Cold War increased scepticism about the continued relevance on the 3rd world has been aired. Even before the demise of the Soviet Union there were those who claimed that the US placed too much emphasis on the 3rd world. Their stance was that regardless of a soviet influence, the 3rd world was not a threat to the US. With the cold war over a new set of arguments have emerged reemphasizing the irrelevance of the 3rd world.
The claim that ......
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