Kudler Fine Foods - Operations Management Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Kudler Fine Foods (Kudler) is a premier specialty food store that provides the finest of wines, produce, pastries, meat and seafood, and dairy products. Kathy Kudler, owner and founder of Kudler, observed the need for an upscale gourmet food shop and in 1998 successfully opened the first of three stores in the San Diego area, within a five year period. Kudler prides itself on offering high standards in customer services as well as a large variety of select foodstuffs. Kathy understands that American consumers are fully aware of what they eat and what pesticides and chemicals may be incorporated during the production process, which has lead to the increasing demand for an organic assortment of produce. The major issue addressed here is the decisions facing Kathy; to either replace the entire produce department with organic alternatives or incorporate a variety of both organic and inorganic foods. The decision is based on the idea that the increase in sales of organic products will be enough to generate profits; if this is the case, the normal business processes will need to be a......
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Page Count: 5.3 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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