Assess the argument that the basic features of family life have remained largely unchanged for the majority of the population since the 1950 Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
In order to see if the basic features of family life have remained largely unchanged for the majority of the population since the 1950s, it is necessary to observe what each theory believes of what has changed in society since 1950. Marriages today are more likely to be based on love and companionship, however in the past marriage was a necessity. If a couple who were cohabiting with a child in the 1950s would not be classed as a "family". The nuclear family (consisting of a husband and a wife with dependent children) this was idealized in the 1950's with the going out to work and the wife taking care of the house and family matters. This was seen as a foundation of a healthy society because the society thought the children were given a strong moral foundation to work and grow from. The father was given the role of the "breadwinner" meaning he brings home the goods and money. The role of the male being the "breadwinner" still shows in today's society, however the percentage of women working with children in today's society has increased a fair amount. My opinion for the moment on th......
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