Nuclear Power: Contemporary Reactor Technology Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Energy and its procurement has been the subject of exhaustive debates in recent history. The subject of these debates has primarily revolved around the sustainability of society with its growing demand for energy. This demand for energy has historically been met with fossil fuels, such as coal and oil; however, the fact that these resources are not limitless or environmentally friendly, has invoked significant consideration for the adoption of alternative sources of energy.
An alternative source of energy that has been widely debated is nuclear power. Nuclear power has been in use for more than 60 years and is responsible for approximately 12% of the electricity produced worldwide; countries such as France rely heavily on the use of nuclear power, as approximately 76% of their electricity needs are met by nuclear reactors. In Canada, this percentage is significantly less (16%), although there have been plans to increase the nation's reliance on nuclear power [1].
The consideration of increasing the world's reliance on nuclear power is primarily due to the fact that it is a cleaner......
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