Homelessness Among NYC Youth Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
As per the Webster's dictionary, the definition of home is "the place where you live". In a study conducted in 1997, commissioned by the officers of Mayor Giuliani, there are estimates of 15,000 to 20,000 homeless youth in New York City. (Kihara, 1999) The "street youth" do not have access to a shower to maintain their personal hygiene or a bed to have a good night's rest. Nor do they usually have the opportunity to eat a hot meal, or a cold one for that matter. The book "The Other America: Teen Runaways" written by Gail B. Stewart, it states that "Although kids leave home for as many different reasons as there are backgrounds, the grim statistics they show that the majority were abused. Shelter and youth-resource workers say that between 60 and 70 percent they see have been abused either physically or sexually." Familial conflicts have been consistently reported as a primary reason for youth homelessness. (Finkelstein, 2005) Finkelstein also wrote that "the reasons for these conflicts differ, but include issues such as substance abuse, relationships with step-parents, sexual ori......
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