B.F. Skinner Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Burrhus Frederick (B.F.) Skinner was a radical behaviorist who believed a person's personality was established and controlled by their environment. Skinner emphasized that who he was, "his personality, was clearly the result of his reinforcement history as a child - the rewards and punishments he experienced. His life and personality, he claimed, were determined and controlled by environmental events." (Friedman, 2009, p.197) The Behaviorism theory focuses solely on observable behavior as opposed to mental processes, and is based on the concept that learning is nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior based on environmental events.
Behaviorists conduct experiments based on the universal learning process known as conditioning. In behaviorism, there are two types of conditioning, classical and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning, initially demonstrated by behaviorist Ivan Pavlov, is based on the idea that a certain behavioral response that is naturally, reflexively elicited by a certain stimulus can be conditioned to occur in response to a neutra......
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