From Perception to Identity Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
How did we become the people we are today? Do we ever wonder why we have certain qualities and lack others? Do we think about who and what shaped and molded us to react and respond in a specific way? Maybe we begin to ask these questions when we are a little older because naturally with age comes the ability to examine your environment more closely. In the novel The Bluest Eye, protagonist Pecola Breedlove struggles with her identity. Certainly, exploring one's identity sounds like a very normal thing to be doing, especially for an eleven year old. It is assumed that from this exploration comes the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, Pecola is not your average American girl. She is an African American girl growing and learning in the 1940's; a time that was certainly not kind to people of color and a society that always favored the majority. Pecola perceives herself through the lenses of the relationship she has with her peers, her family, and society in general. She is a perfect example of how perception plays a key factor in the development of an individual's identity. P......
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