Tomorrow When The War Began-Book review Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Imagine waving goodbye to your family and going off to an adventurous camping trip with your best mates. Having the time of your life but only to return to find your world has just been shattered. That's the predicament Ellie Linton, the main character in, Tomorrow When The War Began and some of her friends found themselves in. Coming home to make unimaginable decisions way beyond their years. Do they fight? Do they give up everything? Do they sacrifice life and go against everything they believed in?
The story begins when Ellie and her friends Corrie Mackenzie, Lee Takkam, Homer Yannos, Kevin Holmes, Robyn Mathers and Fiona Maxwell decide to go on a camping trip to the bush on the week of the Commemoration Day Show. They headed up to Tailor's Stitch and down to a vegetated sinkhole in an isolated area of bush called Hell. One night, while camping under the stars they were awoken by a thunderous roar from a squadron of aircrafts flying overhead. Although it was mentioned the next day, they took little notice of it and convinced each other that it was just the air force heading bac......
Word Count: 915
Page Count: 3.6 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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