effects exercise on diastole and systole Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
In order for the heart to pump life giving, oxygen filled, blood throughout the body a series of electrical impulses must first trigger a series
of contractions and periods of relaxation. During the contraction periods, depolarization and polarization occurs. The sinoatrial (SA) nodes,
which are arranged in clusters on the right atrium, send a spontaneous impulse over the two atria of the heart, causing depolarization.
There is a short pause before the depolarization travels to the ventricles; this is because if both the ventricles and atria were contracting at
the same time, no blood would be expelled from the heart (Walters, 2013). The purpose of depolarization and polarization is to produce
the contractions associated with the heart pumping blood, first into the atria, then into the ventricle, and then out the arteries and aorta to
the rest of the body. The cardiac cycle can further be divided into 2 phases, the systole and diastole phases. Systole is the phase where
the heart depolarization and contracts and then repolarizes whereas the diastole pha......
Word Count: 1265
Page Count: 5 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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