Scuba Diving Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Scuba diving is a sport in which you can lose yourself to the beauty ofthe underwater world and escape gravity for a short time. You can wanderamong kelp forests or swim with sleek noble sharks. You can find afortune in Spanish ducats or lose yourself in the beauty of the underwaterrealm. Some may say though that diving is an extreme sport and that it istoo risky for anyone, it's just for the wild hooligans. Scuba Diving isa safe and enjoyable hobby despite the small risk involved. Haven't youever wondered what it was like to swim with the fish? Or see why all ofthose people would want to were all that funny looking gear and go underthe water?The going below the water is little like being above the water.While underwater there are forces and laws that dictate how your body willrespond to being under so much pressure. The first rule regarding thepressure water puts on the air spaces in your body is Boyles Law. It saysthat as the pressure increases on a given mass of gas the volume willdecrease. This rule explains the popping sensation you fell when you goup in an air plain a......
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