Balboa, a Spanish conqueror and explorer. Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Vasco Nuez de Balboa, a Spanish conqueror andexplorer, was the first to see the coast of thePacific Ocean. He saw the ocean in September of 1513,from the top of a mountain of what is now Panama. OnSeptember 29, 1523, Balboa claimed it and all itsshores for Spain. His findings opened Spanishexplorations and conquests along the western coast ofSouth America began. The Spanish called the ocean the South Sea because itlay south of the isthmus of Panama. In 1520 aPortuguese explorer named Ferdinand Magellan sailedthrough it and named it the Pacific, meaning peaceful,which until this day the name remains the same. Balboas early life was a normal one. He was born inJerez de los Caballeros, Spain. His father, whom weknow little about, did not have influence or wealth. When he was young, Vasco served in the household of arich nobleman in Moguer, one of Spain’s main ports. After Christopher Columbus voyage in 1492, moresailors were taken to the New World, and many sailorstories could be heard throughout Spain about the newlands across the ocean. The opportu......
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