The Mongol Empire: Establishing a powerful Empire through Conquest Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
The Mongol Empire: Establishing a powerful Empire through Conquest
The formation of a strong and powerful empire was the main achievement that dynasties of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries strived towards. Empires which had achieved such a powerful state were able to develop and control the economic development of smaller empires. The extremely powerful dynasties used conquest over their rival nations to expand their empire and gain control over the natural resources essential to maximize wealth. In addition, empires were afforded the luxury of increasing their knowledge of different cultures. Over the centuries there have been many examples of empires that have risen to a powerful state and controlled their geographical regions with the wealth and knowledge derived from victories during battle. The Mongol dynasty has been recognized throughout history as one of those empires that demonstrated power and domination over its rival nations by the use of force. The Mongol empire was one of the most spectacular examples of a nation rising in power due to their conquests in......
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Page Count: 5.2 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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