The Quran -- Islam and Warfare Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
In many portions of the Quran, Muhammad is responding to political, social and religious situation facing the Arab culture and society. He is trying to reconcile the new revelations and ideas he is getting with the traditional culture he is in. There are many ideas and thoughts contained in the Quran that were contrary to what the people of Arabia thought, believed and how they acted.
The first major cultural circumstance was the tribal society of the Arabs. There would be the family, the clan and then the tribe. Disputes between tribes were common and often lead to feuds that lasted for quite some time. The feud would begin with the killing of one member of a tribe by a member of another tribe. The first tribe would have to avenge the death of their member by killing a member of the other tribe. They in turn would have to avenge that death by killing again, and the cycle would continue.
Then Muhammad brought in the idea of a community or brotherhood of all believers. This changed the relationships between tribes and brought them together despite their differences......
Word Count: 1302
Page Count: 5.2 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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