Effects of Inhalation of Carbon Monoxide Gases Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
In order to sustain life, we must have oxygen circulating in our systems. The oxygen allows our bodies to carry out its natural processes without complications. But when this supply of oxygen is cut off or reduced, the body begins to stop its natural processes because it cannot get the oxygen that it needs to function. This is such the case when someone inhales a large amount of carbon monoxide in a relatively short amount of time.
Carbon monoxide is a virtually undetectable gas. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless to the human body. This means that the only way of knowing you are taking in carbon monoxide is to know that you are taking in the gas. In industrial situations, it is less likely to know about the use of carbon monoxide in the working environment; which means that there are increased risks of inhaling the gas in these types of environments (MSDS, 2000).
Cigarettes, although in small quantity, release carbon monoxide gases in very high concentrations when they are burned. The smoker intentionally pulls this high concentration into the body, which I believe......
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