asteroids Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
In our solar system today there are over 30 000 asteroids flying around in all directions colliding with other asteroids and planets not caring about the destruction they might convey. Our planet Earth is caught right in the middle of all of this action and is liable to entire extinction of any life forms on the planet if a large enough asteroid crosses its path. Any one single asteroid has the possibility to erase thousands of years of history and wipeout the human race as we know it. Asteroids are large or small chunks of rock and metal flying around space up to speeds of 80 000 km/h. These chunks were believed to have formed millions of years ago during the big bang. These rocks didnt form any planets and were stuck floating around space on their own or in the gravitation of the asteroid belt. This belt is approximately 300 million miles from the Sun and it contains thousands of asteroids some being miles in diameter. Another theory of the formation of asteroids is that a planet between Mars and Jupiter once existed and after many years it exploded into thousands of pieces that......
Word Count: 1226
Page Count: 4.9 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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