The Black Plauge: Beyond the Death Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Besides the fact of death itself, what other problems caused by the Black Death did Boccaccio and di Tura identify?
Many problems occurred due the Black Death. Most of them were a result of the death that the disease involved, but all were devastating to the western world. So many died from the Black Death that both divine and human laws were thrown out the window. Ministers and other men who executed the laws were either dead or sick and unable to fulfill their duties. The result of a society without laws was the riots of the poor against the rich. War even developed in some areas and famine resulted from this because there were not enough people to work the fields. Other problems included the physiological effects of the disease. Because the plague spread so easily from one person to another, social gatherings of all kinds were forbidden. Simply talking to a person could get one infected. It was for this reason much of the population stayed in their homes and didnt interact with others very much. Some even fled to the countryside to try and escape the disease-ridden villages......
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