Biomechanics of the Common Flea Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Biomechanics of the Common Flea
Biomechanics is a science that applies mechanical principals to living organisms in order to better determine the way in which they move and function. The size of organisms, problems with scaling, energy efficiency, the advantages of internal versus external skeletons, and other concepts are all explored in the field of biomechanics. It also takes into account various other factors such as weight, air resistance, muscle strength, heat loss, and bone stress. Biomechanics uses not only mechanical models but computer simulations to achieve this, as well as actual biological measurements.
Flea is the common name for a small, wingless insect, which is a part of the order Siphonaptera. It is a parasite, living by hematophagy (off the blood of mammals and birds). The flea is also known for bring able to transmit diseases such as the widespread bubonic plague and Murine typhus fever, even tapeworms. The flea passes through a complete lifecycle of four stages: an egg, larva, pupa and adult. This can take anywhere from two weeks to eight mo......
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