Jack N. Rakoves James Madison and the Creation of the American Republic, Second Edition (2002), describes and explains the fourth presidents rise to political power through a detailed history of the establishment of the governing principles that one observes today. In general, this book is chronologically organized; thus, enabling the reader to appreciate the many levels on which Madison was involved and to better understand the order of events that so profoundly shaped the young American nation. Rakove also reveals several important themes in the early chapters that he continually revisits throughout the books entirety. Eventually, these ideas provide one with an alternate, but complementary mechanism for comprehending and analyzing the subject matter. Despite the authors efforts to systematize the contents, there are several sections within the book that do little to advance the readers desire to continue. As one might infer, these unbearably mind-numbing passages represent the weakest points of this novel and the basis for all improvement to be had. With rewriting......
Word Count: 1544
Page Count: 6.1 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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