DRUG ABUSE LEADS TO CRIME Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Drug abuse is a problem found in all societies throughout the world. The culture of each society and the view point of the citizens determine the laws that are
Implemented into that society which in turn creates different levels of crime
Committed with the different types of drugs addictions. Societies in general feel that drug abuse leads to crime because of the statistics that support such a statement. One of the main reasons for that is the generalization that puts all illegal drugs in the same category and is the assumption that all illegal drugs have the same ability to create an equal addiction. When in fact all illegal drugs have different levels of addiction. The view point of drug addiction in society and the laws they implement affects everyones lives.
In my own life, I experienced how drug abuse changed my brothers life and how it altered his view point of what is right and wrong to do in society. He went from being a state champion wrestler, captain of the team, and a leader of good morals and st......
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