What's Eating Gilbert Grape Free Essay, Term Paper and Book Report
Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?
In the Whats Eating Gilbert Grape the family members are eating Gilbert but everyone at a different rate. Gilbert is affected by everyone in his family even the members who have died or run away. Gilbert is affected also the responsibility that he has to take because so of those people are not there to help them or are there but instead of helping him they are putting more weight on his shoulders. Gilbert has the least responsibility to the most from Ellen, Arnie, Amy, Larry, Momma, and Albert.
Ellen is the person who eats Gilbert the least. Since she is the one who basically understands that there should be responsibility and that Arnie isnt responsible for most of his actions. She wants the family to see life as what it is not to pretend that everything in life is perfect. She knows that everyone in the family seems not to notice how Momma is and she is the only one that tells everyone that Arnie is up the tree.
Arnie might be a weight for Gilbert at times but he is the only reason that Gilbert hasnt left the family. Probably......
Word Count: 670
Page Count: 2.6 (250 words a page / double spaced)
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