What is democracy?
Here are four (4) facsimile section reproductions taken from a 156 page book officially compiled and issued by the U.S. War Department, November 30,1928, setting forth exact and truthful definitions of a Democracy and of a Republic, explaining the difference between both. These definitions were pu....
Cyber loafing
SPS: Cyberloafing is becoming a bigger problem everyday in the workplace and certain measures need to be taken to reduce
. How many of you use the internet on a daily basis and how much of the day are you spending online quarter, half, three
quarters of the day....
Dilemma for organizations to execute gender equality
1.1 Introduction-The paradox of womens orientation in a society
Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall off the edge (Authuor Unknown). This myth has been for decades a barrier to women who wants to expresses their feelings, to show oth....
GIVE WHAT IS DUE TO GOD - A speach about turning to god
Good Morning! It is always a pleasure for me to stood before you and share Gods Word today.
If you are going to read the contents of your bulletin, we are commemorating Laity Sunday . In religious organizations, the laity comprises all lay persons collectively, this means any person who is not ....
HR and Technology
Business is changing at the speed of the internet. In a new knowledge economy organizations need to be equipped to react quickly to competition. That coupled with the number of competitors growing each day, has challenged organizations to look at every facet of its operations. In doing so they ne....
Indian removal
If the United States government were to support the reparations to the descendents of African American slaves it would be an admitting of their responsibility. This is an issue that the United States government does not want to bring back to the forefront. To them, slavery is an occurrence in histor....
Jesus and Mohammed
Jesus and Mohammed are two very different historical religious figures but yet despite their differences they did share some similarities. Jesus and Mohammed both played important roles and were highly respected in their religion. They both had important messages that they wanted to be heard ....
Mirror Mirror by M2M: Girl and Mirror
English IV
Poetry Analysis
Girl and Mirror
In life there are many times when we look in the mirror and dislike the figure we see reflected in front of us. The Mirror, like in a well-known poem by Sylvia Plath, is our true friend and will only show us our true selves. In the song Mirror Mirror....
Off shoring Crisis in the U.S.
Off shoring Crisis in the U.S.
In the first three months of this year, 4,600 jobs were lost in the United States due to off-shoring or the outsourcing of jobs to other countries. Off-shoring is a growing trend amongst companies in the United States. Thousands of Americans are losing jobs to peo....
Sojourner Truth and Women Suffrage
Who was Sojourner Truth?Isabella Baumfree also considered Van Wagenen was born in 1797 and died in 1883. She was the first black to speak out to people about slavery and abolitionists. She was said to have a deep manly voice but had a quick wit and inspiring faith (Encyclpoedia, 474). It was Trut....
Strength in One
Throughout my life I have come to know that the road to success is not straight. There is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, and red lights which represents enemies in my life which tries to keep me from my inner and outer strength. But as I was growing up in church, I was told that ....
value of discipline
The word discipline has a great significance . The dictionary meaning of discipline is control often using a system of punishment. But it is beyond the dictionary meaning. Often, discipline has been misunderstood and is abused word in modern times. It is used by all manner of people for all manner o....