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150 Administra Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect who was a pioneer in modern style, and he is considered one of the greatest figures in architecture in the 20th-century. In Richland Center, Wisconsin on June 8, 1867 Wright was born. 17 years later at the University of Wis....

political policies between the united states and the soveit union during the 1970s
One can not effectively interpret world political policies of the 1970's without the inclusion of the relationship known as détente, and the breakdown there of. The breakdown of the 1970's détente can be attributed to many different issues and events. In researching these events the varying opinio....

"Administrative Behavior” by Herbert A. Simon & “Organizational Culture” by Edgar H. Schein
“Administrative Behavior” by Herbert A. Simon & “Organizational Culture” by Edgar H. Schein Authors Names and Biographies: Edgar H. Schein (born 1928): He was educated at the University of Chicago. In 1949 he received a Masters Degree at Stanford University in Psychology, and in 1952 rece....

1945-1951 labour government achievements
What were the achievements of the 1945-51 labour governments? 1945 heralded a new era; the Second World War was brought to its conclusion and with it an election. The victorious candidate was Clement Attlee. Deputy prime minister in the war cabinet and world war one war hero Attlee was to face a ....

1950s Nostalgia is on the Rise
In "What We Really Miss About the 1950s", Stephanie Coontz is correct that nostalgia for the 1950s is on the rise. Nostalgia is dangerous because it creates a picture of the American family that excludes non-traditional and minority families which can affect political policy in negative ways. Yet, ....

1981: The Year of My Birth
“1981: The Year of My Birth” It was a dark and stormy night…actually it was a sunny snowy morning in January, the 29th to be exact. The setting is Parkersburg, WV in the year 1981. Most people were probably still trying to keep their New Years Resolution or paying off their Christmas bills. ....

2nd Amendment Pros and Cons
2nd Amendment Pros and Cons The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says as follows: 1."A well regulated Militia, 2.being necessary to the security of a free state, 3.the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, 4.Shall not be infringed." ....

4 day school week
4 day school week Pro “Pick any Friday in a rural school community during football season—or basketball or baseball season, for that matter—and half the high school’s students would be on a bus traveling to an away game.” Says Kimberly Reeves, author of an article on the four-day week publ....

401(k) plans
Abstract The intent of the paper is to examine current trends in the most commonly defined contribution retirement plan, the 401(k) plan. It will outline the best course of action to achieve an effective plan and maximize employee participation. This paper will review current mandates regulated by ....

A falling America - Peter G. Peterson in his book 'Running on Empty'
Peter G. Peterson, in his book "Running on Empty" offers a refreshing, non-partisan look at political parties in the U.S.A. What is interesting to me is that Peterson is a Republican and they tend to support their party very intensely, but Peterson does not make his party (the Republican Party) loo....

A Survey of Manufacturing and Computer Systems As Expressed by Small Firms in Missouri
A Survey of Manufacturing and Computer Systems Needs As Expressed by Small Firms in Missouri A Research Proposal By William H. McKnight Jr. For Dr. Bruce D. Dallman In Partial Fulfillment of Research in Technology SOT 709 April....

Abortion is Wrong Everyday there is a woman out there pondering the act of abortion or contemplating if abortion is the “solution” for them. There are those who believe that if a child is conceived it should be born and every child born should be wanted. Abortion has been a very controversial t....

Administrative change on Terrorism
Administrative Change in Combating Terrorism Terrorism is an act of violence committed by a person or persons intended to inflict fear and harm to another being in hopes that they submit into their demands. At 8:45am, on September 11th, 2001 America’s heart was torn by a hijacked plane crashing ....

Adolescent abuse of dextromethorphan
Adolescent Abuse of Dextromethorphan Dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DXM), a constituent of more than 125 patent cough/cold remedies, is the most popular antitussive medication in the United States. Cough syrups or capsules also contain additional ingredients such as acetaminophen, chlorphenir....

Adult ADHD and Comorbid Anxiety
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This psychological disorder started out as a mere counterpart of ADD, which stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. ADHD is a well-recognized condition that is distinguished by inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, or a combination. The c....

Advance of the Progressive Agenda (1900-1913)
Advance of the Progressive Agenda (1900-1913) The Progressive Era was a booming time in which much progress was made for the working man. Many laws that we have today, concerning the welfare and protection of the worker, simply did not exist before the Progressive Era, because there had been no....

Adversity Gives Birth to Healing
Adversity Gives Birth to Healing As wars go, Vietnam is the one that will always stand out. Because of its enduring service as a mark in international government communication and the movies and books it set off, the Vietnam War still dwells in the psyche of Americans. (Wintle) Perhaps the ma....

Advertising Plan for Webster University Thailand
Advertising Plan for Webster University Thailand. I. Introduction. II. Company’s Profile. III. Sitution Analysis a. Strength b. Weakness c. Opportunities d. Threats IV. Key Planning Decisions. a. Advertising Objectives. b. Target Audiences. c. Competitive Advantage. d. Image, Personal....

african americans in the criminal justice system
Going back to the birth of America, law enforcement has shown more discrimination towards those people of color. In law enforcement the officers are suppose to treat all people no matter what race they might be with respect but that wasn't the case in the days of slavery up through into the lat....

Against Animal Experimentation
Imagine having a headache and not having aspirin to take, or being diabetic and not being able to take certain types of insulin (Williams 3). It seems impossible that these drugs could be unavailable to humans, but they would not be attainable had scientists not tested these drugs on non-animal sub....

Agricultural Biotechnology
Yah for Agricultural Biotechnology What is agricultural biotechnology? They take a desired gene from another species that has the trait they are looking to incorporate into their new crop (Keeler 45). More or less it is a more advanced way of doing something that we have been doing for years on en....

Air Flight 46E
Abstract On March 31, 1993 Flight 46E was on takeoff, when all of sudden the aircraft experienced turbulence and lost number two engine. With sudden loss of power the aircraft made a roll back the airport. The aircraft crashed causing several millions of dollars worth of damage. The NTSB came t....

Air Pollution
Air is the ocean we breathe. Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. Air is 99.9% nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and inert gases. Human activities can release substances into the air, some of which can cause problems for humans, plants, and animals. There are several ....

Airline Pilots Armed with Guns
Airlines have stepped up to avoid terrorism onboard their aircrafts by allowing airline pilots to carry guns inside the cockpit and having installed expensive x-ray machines at several major airports. Whether we would like to admit it or not, airline terrorism is a very real and deadly subject. Insi....

AirTex Aviation, Inland Steel Company
Airtex Aviation, Inland Steel Company Discuss two elements of the control system that Frank and Ted implemented. In your opinion were these appropriate and if so what will they help achieve? After they purchased the business of Airtex Aviation, Frank and Ted implemented a control system acr....

Alternative Enegery
The vitality and economic growth of the United States is linked to affordable transportation. In comparison to most countries, the United States is sparsely populated and development is pursued assuming access to transportation. This primarily involves highways, but also includes rail lines,....

Alternative Energy Sources; Wind Harvested Energy
I write to you as a concerned citizen of the United States. Lately it has not been uncommon to hear of the ongoing environmental issues that today’s society faces. Today we are faced with a major pollution crisis as a result of the over use of fossil fuels. Not only are we continuously and addic....

America in the 1950's
The 1950’s seem to have been a battlefield between traditionalists and nonconformists, as revealed in the movie, Mona Lisa Smile, directed by Mike Newell, which depicts a negative view of the decade. Dealing with the main theme of this movie, the traditionalists believed that women had to attend t....

american diet
american diet Are you over weight? Do you get tired easily? Do you struggle with high cholesterol or with high blood pressure? If so, do not worry you are not alone. Thousands of United States citizens suffer from obesity and other food related health problems. These problems can be traced back to ....

american sign language
Cochlear Implant At the cochlear implant meeting I was amazed to see how far technology has come. It is truly remarkable how a cochlear implant works and how it can make a significant difference in a deaf person life. A cochlear implant is a small, complex electronic device that can help to ....

american women
American Women During World War II. America's entry into World War II posed opportunities for American women domestically, yet paradoxically heightened fears in the polity about the exact role that women should adopt during wartime. A central is....

An Epic Future in Cold Pasteurization
An Epic Future in Cold PasteurizationThe preservation of food is essential to maintain life and growth. Its daily intakes nourish our bodies, providing enzymes, in turn giving us energy. The ability of matter exerts radiation in its domain by means of energy in selected foods. Such rationale deb....

Analysis of Taxation During the Revolutionary War
During the mid 18th century the American colonists, both bold and ambitious, were showing attitudes of indignation and resentment towards English Parliament. Aside from this, the attitudes generated were mainly the result of British violations of the rights of the new American citizens. The Declarat....

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson may have been our seventh president, but he was first in many ways. He was the first populist president who did not come from the aristocracy, he was the first to have his vice-president resign ( John C. Calhoun), he was the first to marry a divorcee, he was the first to be nominated ....

Andrew Jackson
The Andrew Jackson Administration, from 1829 to 1837, was very important in American history. A self-made man, Jackson exemplified republican virtues by restraining a centralized government and promoting the powers of the people. His administration left a lasting impact on American politics. With hi....

Animal Rights
Ethics: Animal Rights By: Marty Miller Vivisection, the practice of experimenting on animals, began because of religious prohibitions against the dissection of human corpses. When religious leaders finally lifted these prohibitions, it was too late - vivisection was already entrenched in medic....

Animal Rights: Do They Exist?
For the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and scientific research is ethical. Whether it is or isn't, most people believe that some form of cost-benefit test should be performed to determine if the action is right. ....

Animal Rights/Experimentation
Opponents feel that animal testing is not required for biomedical research, is cruel and inhuman and leads to the needless suffering and death of millions of animals. According to a 1995 survey commissioned by the Associated Press, two-thirds of Americans agree with the statement, “An anima....

Are Innovative SMEs an oxymoron?
Are Innovative SMEs an oxymoron? A survey on some top executives by Boston Consulting recently shows that while most of companies reduce or keep innovation spend to a minimum, some companies are still investing for innovation. For example, Procter & Gamble and Vodafone are teaming up with t....

Artificial Sweeteners: Is the Risk Worth the Reward?
Since the invention of artificial sweeteners in the nineteenth century, products like Sweet'N Low and Splenda have become a part of our daily lives. Every time we reach for a soda, coffee or baked good chances are that we probably are about to consume an artificially produced substance. Why have t....

ASSESSMENT ON DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Introduction and Thesis Statement Academicians and practitioners alike agree that change management skills, communication, decision making skills, motivation and human resource practices are the most important topic of all within the realm o....

At-risk Children In schools in the United States there is a problem with students that are not getting proper help in class known as “at risk children,” these students are problematic in class. At risk children are students that have difficulty in school because of their violent back....

Australia's Constitution, Fossilised?
The Australian constitution which came into effect on the first of January, 1901 was a significant Act which forged the Federal Commonwealth of Australia. The constitution is a set of rules which have been created to establish principles to help define and control the institutions of government and ....

automatic sprinkler systems
" Residential Sprinkler Systems" Schools, office buildings, factories, and other commercial buildings have benefitted from fire protection sprinkler systems for over a century. To prevent investments in buildings and machinery, the textile mills in New England began using sprinkler systems o....

Automotive Brakes
Today in the world cars are an everyday means for transportation, but if there was no one to fix them how would you keep them running? In the next few paragraphs, you will find out what you have to know if you would like to become an Automotive Technician. To prevent safety hazards from occurri....

Avian Flu - H5N1
Avian Flu – When Bird’s Disease Infects Humans While the world is rejoicing because of the end of World War I, a certain virus is rapidly catching the world’s attention. The H1N1 virus caused the Spanish Flu in 1918, leaving some 20 million people dead. In 1957, the H2N2 virus, believed to....

Balco - Disturbing and Dangerous
“It’s not even cheating because everyone is doing it now, it has become the norm”. This quote is from the infamous 20/20 interview, in which Mr. Victor Conte unleashed his mind-blowing thoughts about the use and general beliefs about steroids and performance enhancing drugs in sports (20/20 inte....

Basics of Managing Risks
So you have been asked to put together a project risk management plan. No idea where to start. Here is a brief guide to putting together a risk management plan. Project Risk Management A risk is something that may happen and if it does, will have an adverse impact on the project. A few points he....

Bay of Pigs
The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, in 1961, had caused great humiliation towards the United States. The newly inaugurated President, Mr. John F. Kennedy, had started many events that tampered with the relationship between our nation and Cuba. This conflict had soon led many other countries int....

Between Iraq and a Hard Place US Policy Toward Iraq
The US is in the midst of an extraordinary national debate concerning the appropriate policy mix with which to address the challenges posed by Iraq. The iterative presentation of the US Administration’s approach to “settling” the Iraq question lends itself to measurement against a decision model....

When Dr. Rudolf Diesel developed the diesel based engine, he intended for it to be run on various types of vegetable derived oils. The proof is in the fact that when he took his engine to the World Exhibition in 1900, he used peanut oil as fuel (Environmental Protection Agency, 2002). Biodiesel is....

Bioterrorism on the Farm
Introduction Bioterrorism is defined as an intentional, belligerent attack on a population through biological, chemical, or nuclear means (Weelis, 2000). While the first thought that comes to mind when the word, “bioterrorism” is mentioned, is Anthrax or another disease aimed directly at our hum....

Black History Month
Black History Month Black History Month is an educational time of month we dedicate to our African American ancestors who are recognized for their bravery, leadership, dedication, and strength to pave the way for African Americans today. Black History Month has been established since 1926, in wh....

Black, White, and Southern
American South Slavery became an issue that divided the American people from its earliest existence to its latter years. Some historians believe a leading factor in why slavery was such an issue was because of its economic achievements. The South thrived on slavery and this led to horrific race r....

Bob Kraft
Bob Kraft is one of the most influential and successful business men, especially in the world of sports. In order to be a great business man, you must be a great leader. Bob Kraft is the owner of the New England Patriots, head of the New England Revolution and also owns Gillette Stadium. He is one....

Bones of Contention
Bones of Contention Allison Vasquez Introduction to Archaeology ANTH 334-01 April 30th, 2005 Archaeology was rocked to its core on November 16th, 1990 when the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) was signed into law. This act gave c....

Booby Trap for 9/11 Skeptics
The idea that no 757 crashed at the Pentagon is easily the most controversial and divisive issue among researchers of the 9/11/01 attacks. Effectively promoted since early 2002, this idea has enjoyed an increasing acceptance in the 9/11 Truth Movement, despite its blatant incompatibility with the ex....

Braingate - Connecting the Human Brain to the Outside World
The idea of directly connecting a human brain to a computer or machine is no longer science fiction. Here, in the 21st century, major advancements in information technology, miniaturization, and neuroscience have made such an idea become reality. This paper will describe brain-computer interface tec....

Breast Augmentation - Position Paper
Cosmetic surgery is defined as surgery to improve a “normal” appearance (Zuckerman & Abraham, 2008). Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries. As cosmetic procedures have become more pervasive through advertising and the subject of popular television shows; it has become in....

As many Federal departments and agencies lurch into an era of running without funds, the leaders of both parties of Congress are spending less and less time searching for a compromise to balance the budget, and more and more time deciding how to use it to their advantage on the campaign trail. Meanw....

Bureacracy: absolute or obsolete
Bureaucracy: absolute or obsolete? Exploring the requirement of bureaucracy to organisations. Submitted: 13 November 2006 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Background to Organisation and Bureaucracy 1 3. Organisational Choices of Rational Bureaucracy, Advantages & Disadvantages 2 3.....

Business Managers
Business Managers Introduction In our time on this earth we, as people, have specific needs. We need clothes and food, but occasionally we like to buy other things that we do not need but want to have. These things include cameras, televisions, computers, etc. We buy these items at a store, ....

Business Plan for Boxes for Less
Executive Summary There is a growing trend towards sustainability in Canada. Vancouver is one location where consumers are looking for products that are ¡§eco-friendly¡¨. Corrugated cardboard is an environmentally-friendly form of packaging material because about 79% of waste generated is rec....

Business Problem Analysis: Drugs and Crime in the Correctional Service of Canada
Business Problem Analysis Bim Grewal Research 341 RES341 Ghassem Zarbi June 12, 2006 Business Problem Analysis Introduction A significant number of drug users have contact with the criminal justice system. Fully 80 percent of offenders admitted to federal corrections have substance ab....

Camar Automotive Hoist Case / SWOT
Executive Summary Camar Automotive Hoist is looking to grow the company even more, the question is what approach they should take to get the best results. CAH still have a small market share in North America with plenty of room for growth, therefore they should focus on that market. If they put too....

Can marketing can be taken seriously if it is not know how to measure the impact of its action.
INTRODUCTION Linking marketing performance with financial results of a company has never been easy for marketers. However, marketers live in times where showing the results of their work become necessary. Examining impact of marketing actions can be beneficial not only for marketers but for compa....

Canadian Drugs, Eh?
For many people, prescription drugs are what they count on to stay alive and functioning. A great number of people who count on prescription drugs to keep them alive must take a large amount of medications each day, which can be twenty or more prescriptions a day. Often times these vital medicatio....

Car Spa Business plan
Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Mission 2.0 Company Summary 2.1 Company Ownership 2.2 Start-up Summary 3.0 Services 4.0 Market Analysis Summary 4.1 Market Segmentation 4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy 4.3 Service Business Anal....

Career Development Plan Part III Summary for Kudler Fine Foods
Kudler Fine Foods is a grocer that specializes in high quality gourmet foods. According to their mission statement Kudler Fine Foods is committed to providing our customers with the finest selection of the very best foods and wines so that your culinary visions can come true." Currently....

Case Analysis : FedEx
Project Purpose The purpose of this project is to analyze the strategic management of the FedEx Corporation through the process of external and internal analysis (SWOT), strategic alternatives and recommended strategy. It is also our aim to have a better understanding in the use of competitive....

Child and Family Social Workers, Assisting Families and Children in Need
According to the Department of Labor Statistics (2010-11), Child and Family Social Workers provide social services and assistance to improve the physical and psychological functioning of children and their families. The purpose of this essay will be to explore the methods social workers use to acco....

Childhood Obesity
For more than twenty years child obesity has been increasing at an alarming rate. As shown in the graph below, the percent of obese children aged 12 to 17 has more than tripled between 1978 and 2004. It is estimated by the centers for disease control that ten percent of preschooler and fiftee....

Childhood Obesity, Who's fault is it?
Why Child Obesity is a Sociological Problem My hypothesis has gradually changed as I learned exactly what was meant by a sociological problem. There have been plenty of discussions as to the fact that child obesity is a problem, the causes, and possible solutions, but it wasn’t until recent....

Chinas Emerging Tax Regime - Local Tax Farming and Central Tax Bureaucracy
Abstract: China like other transition economies needs to establish a tax system compatible with a market economy, in particular, an efficient tax administration system with capable tax bureaucrats. The paper singles out the general and China-specific features by which central government attempts ....

Cigarettes: What's Killing Our Country
This year alone cigarettes will kill over 420,000 Americans, and many more will suffer from cancers, and circulatory and respiratory system diseases1. These horrible illnesses were known to originate from cigarettes for years, and recently nicotine, the main chemical additive in cigarettes, was decl....

Civil Rights Act of President Johnson
Lyndon Johnson’s work for minorities began in 1928 when he obtained his first job as an elementary school teacher; it was, of course, at this time a segregated school attended by only Mexican Americans. Johnson had 28 pupils who he recalled were "mired in the slums", "lashed by prejudice" and "buri....

Civil Rights Movement
The Civil Rights Movement (1954-1965) There have many different movements that American society has witnessed in its history. One of the most influential movements that had the most impact on American society is the Civil Rights Movement. There were many key actors that were dedicated to bringing c....

OVERVIEW : The Coca-Cola Company engages in the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups worldwide. The company offers nonalcoholic beverages, principally carbonated soft drinks, as well as noncarbonated beverages. Its beverage products comprise b....

Cold War
Abstract The Cold War happened due to the differences between the United States and the USSR. Through the use of espionage an battle was waged over the spread of communism and anti-missile shields. The Cold War itself ended up being one of the longest running wars in the History of the United Sta....

Cold War - Space Race
War is an event that represents the situation of a state and how it is revolutionized. It introduces new factors that sometimes force nations others to join in the enhancing of ideas. In particular, the new face of the ideological or new age concept was brought up. The United States of America an....

Communication within SSInc.
Communication Within SSInc. Principles of Communication 111 900 Written by Scott Sarver Student ID: 11316802 6/11/06 The purpose of this paper is to outline the various facets of communication within business. The ....

Communications Upgrade Proposal
ABSTRACT The City of Saint Martin Fire Department, which is located near San Francisco, is responsible for providing fire and emergency medical services to over 85,000 people with-in its 24 square miles. The city’s rapidly growing population and continuing extensive development requires....

FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN Department of Business Administration and Economics Institute of Management Chair for Organization and Leadership COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE – A MODERN ORGANIZATIONAL CONCEPT Seminar : Organizational Practices Supervisor : Registrati....

Comparison between the Great Depression and the current Recession
It may seem a far stretch to compare today's 'recession' (as the politicians are reluctantly calling our current economic status) and the Great Depression of the 1930's, which lasted an entire decade. However, by studying the roots and beginning stages of each problem, a surprising number of commo....

Compatibility between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
1. Overview If you happen to be an avid reader of FQS, you may have noticed that the title of this volume has changed since it was first announced as "Qualitative and quantitative methods: How the two research traditions see each other". This first title reflects the original orientation behind th....

Conflict and Cooperation In The Workplace
Conflict and Cooperation In The Workplace Conflict and cooperation In The Workplace is an issue that every leader, manager, or employee has to deal with at one point in time or another. Some important elements of conflict is how it works, how to avoid it, and how to deal with it whe....

Conflict Management in the Workplace Introduction Conflict management in the workplace is an issue that every leader, manager, or employee has to deal with at one time or another. The basics of conflict management include improving communication, teamwork, and a systematic approach to solving the....

contemporary approaches to Business Planning, and structure of Business Plan
Table of Content Summary: Last year our family opened business. We rented room for tourists. But when season ended we understood that our business was not lucrative one. I really did not understand why our business failed. But now I understood that business can't be lucrative without business p....

Control in the Workplace
The roles of managers as leaders within a firm require them to plan future economic objectives for the firm to reach. However in order to achieve these plans, control is needed to ensure that workplace compliance and high levels of efficiency are achieved. Through control, management are able to est....

Corporate Culture role in customer relations and social responsibility
Corporate Culture This paper sets fourth a framework describing how corporate culture plays a role in the organization’s approach to customer relations and social responsibility. The study of formal organizations whose function is to change the lives of people occupies a prominent position in th....

Corporate Personhood Defined by the 14th Amendment
Corporate Personhood Controversy There has been a long standing controversy over the issue of corporate personhood. The corporate personhood debate is based on questioning whether the subset of rights provided under the law to biological people should also be given to corporations as legal persons....

Corrections and Alternative Forms of Justice
The issue of criminal punishment can be seen within the media with respect to the various debates that surround the controversy of sentencing policy changes. When examining the various disputes regarding criminal punishment policies it is important to critically analyze the context in which they app....

Corruption in Poland
LIST OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………….3 Topic. And why I decided to write about corruption?…………………………………………3 Background. When can it occur?………………………………………………………………4 What does it affect?……………………....

Corruption: The Universal Bug
For tens of thousands of years, man has lived in the early civilization of hunting and gathering. As societies become more complex, it began to elevate some categories of people above others, giving segments of the population more money, power, and prestige than others. Man developed a system where....

Cosmetic Testing-Animal Suffering
Imagine you are a fluffy, white rabbit in a cosmetic testing laboratory. You cannot move your head because you are being held in a restraining device. A scientist in a long, white coat grabs a test tube and dropper. The scientist begins dripping a strange liquid into your eyes. When you try to bli....

Country Analysis: China
CHINA Introduction: At 9.6 million square kilometers, China is one of the biggest countries in the world. It contains the world's biggest city, Shanghai, and i....

Country risk and strategic planning
Risk Analysis Social/Cultural Risks Italian is the official language of Italy and when conducting business transactions, knowledge of the language is necessary or use of an agent or distributor within the region would be wise. More attention is paid to businesses when correspondence is do....

Credit Assessment in commercial Lending: Quantitative and Qualitative Approach
The American University in Dubai School of Business Administration- MBA program Instructor: Dr. Jihad Nader Credit Analysis in Commercial Lending: Qualitative and Quantitative Approach Prepared by: M. Naghavi Spring 2006 Table of Content 1. Introduction 3 2. A Four S....

Criticisms and Commendations of Bill Clinton’s Foreign Policy
Jeffrey Rogerson Dr. Kilroy POLS 3144 5 April 2007 Criticisms and Commendations William Jefferson Clinton entered office as the third youngest president to ever serve as the nation’s Commander in Chief (Wikipedia). Bill Clinton exited the presidency with the highest percentage of public appr....

Critque the efficiency of of FDR's administration
Critque the efficiency of of FDR's administration at alleviating the suffering of the Great DepressionFDR truely tried to help the people and wanted to make a change. He was mostly successfull with his New Deal Program. Each Program helped a different part of the the country and its people. Focu....

cruise line industry - market leaders
Market Evolution One of the pillars of the travel industry is the cruise industry, with a growth of a 2,100% on the recent years. In the 1970�s an estimated 500, 000 people took a cruise.. Moreover, by the year 2006, the number of people who take this type of vacation will increase to 12 milli....

Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas
The Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas Going into business or owning a business is always exciting and risky, but moving a business overseas can create challenges related to business that even the best entrepreneur finds difficult to overcome. Not only does business overseas endure cul....

Cystic Fibrosis
Your child is under weight, has greasy, smelly diarrhea, a chronic cough and seems to always be getting pneumonia. He wheezes when he breathes and has impaired exercise ability. He seems to never being growing to the average size of his peers and his skin is very salty. The doctor’s first instinct ....

Dangers of Police Pursuits
Dangers of Police Pursuits ILR 260: Information Literacy Dr. Dee Griffin January 2006 Abstract Debate rages over whether high-speed pursuits are justified. And consensus is growing among local and national law enforcement for the need for stricter controls to dictate when, where and why....

Data Base Analysis and Improvement
Organizational Database Analysis and Improvement Health Insurance Company’s run their business on many computer systems some of which have a main system in which they hold all their members on, therefore; being the main system the company works off of. Usually there is one main company that suppl....

Date Rape drugs
Date Rape Drugs On the Rise “Out for an evening of dancing with her friends, Annick Legault thought she had little reason to be concerned for her safety. Part way through the night, Legualt wandered off to the washroom. It was there that her friends found her 20 minutes later ,....

Decision Making in Teams
1.Main concepts addressed in the Report There are several types of decisions that we need to make daily and the importance and complexity of these vary enormously. Most decisions are made by moving between the choice of criteria (the characteristics our choices meet) and the identification of alter....

Decision making Model Analysis
Abstract Decisions, decisions, decisions! What is a decision? A decision is defined as “something somebody has chosen: something that somebody chooses or makes up his or her mind about, after considering it and other possible choices” (World English, 2006). Being a good decision-maker is one o....

Decision Making Model Analysis Paper
Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper Nakia Morning University of Phoenix MGT 350 – Critical Thinking Strategies in Decision Making Group ID GA04BMA07 Steve Jarvis, Instructor Workshop One – November 17, 2004 Decisions, decisions, decisions, they are made in every aspect of our lives. Fr....

Define marketing
Define Marketing The Department of State and Regional Development defines marketing as “finding out what customers want, then setting out to meet their needs, provided it can be done at a profit. Marketing includes market research, deciding on products and prices, advertising, promoting, distribut....

Defining Marketing
Defining Marketing Paper The first thought that comes to mind when I think about the definition of marketing, is the plot behind the movie Jerry Maguire. If I remember correctly, Jerry was the best of the best at being a sporting agent. He worked for an agency that marketed their services behind t....

Department of Justice
Historical Overview The Department of Justice was created by the Department of Justice Act, passed at the first session of Parliament of the Dominion of Canada and assented to on May 22, 1868. This act outlined the responsibilities of the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of Ca....

depression in adolescents
Depression is one of the most common and most serious mental health problems facing people today. While it is only human to experience feelings of sadness, gloominess, or melancholy every now and then, clinical depression occurs when these feelings endure for long periods of time that can last for s....

Development of a Training and Mentoring Program
A person who is ready to start earning a steady source of income embarks on a road that can seem frightening and exciting at the same time. If he or she is career minded, he or she will most likely attend some form of education program first. After completing the education, he or she will set out....

INTRODUCTION My goal is to talk about what diabetes is and how it affects nationally. If not aware it is a major killer. I chose to talk about this subject because it hits home for me my daddy has it. Even though he is in his forties it even affects younger people even children. I d....

Diatoms Research Paper Microbiology July 5, 2006 When I was a young student and started looking into microscopes I became interested in what wonders my naked eye couldn’t see. Never did I think I would see something as amazing as I did when I looked at a diatom....

Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemins China
Macroeconomic Issues and Policies Gene Hsin Chang Western scholars have long wondered if there would be a major change, or even a setback in Chinese economic policies after the death of Deng Xiaoping. Such speculation has gradually faded as reform became more evidently irreversible. Indeed, th....

Diminishing our Ecological Footprint: Wind Energy
The Earth, our most precious resource, is suffering from severe negligence and abuse from its most advanced inhabitants: humans. Humans are continually reproducing at large and fast rates, thus putting strain on our vital environment. As our species grows there is naturally a higher demand for foo....

Abstract Diphtheria is a disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Diagnosis of the disease is confirmed by the demonstration of diphtheria bacilli cultured from material obtained from the site of infection. Some of the types of diphtheria caused by the organism are nasal diphthe....

Disarming Iraq
When America and the UN invaded Iraq more than two years ago, it became one of the biggest mistakes of our time. Finding out whether or not Iraq was armed with nuclear weapons was of great importance. How information became disarrayed is also important to understand to make sure that a mistake lik....

Do Helmets Really Help Hard Heads?
Helmets for motorcycle riders are for safety. Helmets have helped save lives since the 1920’s. Many people for helmet laws have used the saving lives as well as money spent on accidents and fatalities. Most states have adopted laws but there are few that let the riders chose. Motorcycle helmet la....

Do Mobile Phones pose a serious threat to peoples health?
The purpose of this case study was to analyze the potential health risks involved with using mobile phones. Mobile phones are considered by many as an essential part of modern day life, from the businessperson who uses the mobile phone as a vital link with the office, to the teenager who has the pho....

Does Vivisection Benefit Humans?
Does Vivisection Benefit Humans? According to “Every year, nearly 100 million animals die in research laboratories at the hands of curious scientists who perform outdated and inaccurate tests that prove no benefit to humans or animals” (PETA). Animal testing is wrong and ....

Drinking Age
“You've got to fight for your right to party!" Drinking is a privilege that has been in this country since its founding. It was briefly taken away during prohibition, but society's favor of alcohol showed its strength with the repeal of prohibition. After prohibition, alcohol was legally available....

drug testing in the wrok place
Drug testing in the United States began with the explosive use of illegal drugs, in order to curb drug abuse. This began during the Vietnam War with drug use at a climax. In general, Drug testing is a way to detect illegal drug use and deter it, usually by Urinalysis. Drug testing in the United Stat....

Drugs and Harmful Effect
Do you have a friend or family member with fading health, yet they have been continuously taking prescription medications prescribed to treat their problems? This is a common scenario here in the United States that many individuals are faced with day to day. There are many Americans who take prescri....

Drunk Driving
On the night of May 14, 1988, Larry Mahoney was drunk, so drunk that his blood-alcohol concentration—the percentage of alcohol in his blood—was more than twice Kentucky’s legal limit at the time of .10 percent. Regardless, Mahoney got behind the wheel of his pickup truck and proceeded to drive no....

East Asian Economic Crisis
I. The Origin of the Crisis: The East Asian Financial Crisis started in July 1997 in Thailand and South Korea when the company Kia Motors financially collapsed. This crisis spread to the other East Asian countries as Singapore, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Taiwan, Indonesia, M....

Eating Disorders Among Americans
Eating Disorders Among Americans This essay is written about eating disorders among Americans, why people may have these illnesses and what’s associated with these ailments. All of the different types of eating disorders and what an eating disorder actually is. How we society can help bring an....

Economic Analysis of Smoking in the United States
I. Introduction Lung and bronchus incidences account for the number one mortality rate of all races including white, African American, Asian American, American Indian, and Hispanic/Latinos within the United States. For many consecutive years, lung cancer has topped the number of deaths and th....

Economic Teacher Struggle
“The Urban Teacher Struggle” by, Lisa Renfro, was published October, 1, 2003 in volume 11, issue 2 of Teaching Music. The article speaks of the struggles of being a teacher in the under funded and often forgotten subject of music. The unique struggles of teaching music in low income urban and rura....

Effective Communications Case Study Analysis: The Myth of Silver Fillings
On December 23, 1990, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes" panicked the television audience by announcing that toxins have invaded the American mouth. The "60 Minutes" broadcast, narrated by veteran reporter Morley Safer, was intended to alarm and to persuade its audience that the mercury in dental fillings....

effects of watergate on journalism
Watergate The Watergate scandal was a life changing event for everyone involved and all of the American people that had to live through it. It impacted the country like no other occurrence in the past ever had. After everything was uncovered and the Wat....

effects on war
Ms. Rodriguez, Macroeconomics 2301 June 30, 2005 The Economic Consequences of a War with Iraq The drums of war beating as the United States marches, two steps forward and one step backward, towards war. However, although cost estimates are often ignored when war is debated, most people reco....

Eisenhower Administration DBQ
The Eisenhower administration dealt with the fears of communism by openly acting and not ignoring the threat. This caused feeling of hysteria, panic, and fear throughout the nation. Eisenhower although not addressing the fears of the people in a well-organized manner, did actively deal with the thre....

El Nino
El Nino has been a reoccurring phenomenon for centuries. Man has only started to realize how much of the worlds weather is effected by it. The term El Nino refers to an irregular warming of the seas surface. During the last 40 years there have been 10 significant El Nino occurrences. Most affect....

eleanor roosevelt
Before Eleanor Roosevelt the role of the first lady was not a political Presidential role; it was merely a formal title of the President’s wife. By being active in politics during and after her husband’s Presidency, Eleanor Roosevelt paved the way for all future Presidential wives. Of course, she....

Elections in Flordia
I have done very extensive research on the 2006 elections in our great state of Florida. I have seen websites, read newspaper articles, and watched debates on television about the three election races. I have followed the race for the next governor of Florida, between Charlie Crist from the Re....

Emerging RFID applications in the airline Industry
ABSTRACT This paper familiarizes the reader with Radio Frequency Identification system (RFID) that is an extremely powerful enabling technology in airports and aircraft. It discusses many current and potential application purposes such as handling baggage, tracking in flight trolleys, minimizing ....

EMIs Strategic Plan for the changing record industry
Overview The Electric and Musical Industries (EMI) Company is the 4th largest music company in the world and is headquartered in the United Kingdom. It has two segments: EMI Music - which identifies and promotes artists alongside selling music and other services and EMI Publishing – which acqui....

Employee Safety, Health and Welfare Law Paper
Employee Safety, Health, and Welfare Law Paper Laws created to eliminate injuries occurring in the workplace were established to regulate safety and health. These laws of congress consequently legally mandated the benefits in the workplace. The importance of these laws can be seen in the vision....

Employee Work Ethic
Principal-Agent Models Principal-agent models are very constructive in understanding employment relationships. In economics, “the problem of motivating one party to act on behalf of another is known as ‘the principal-agent problem’” (Principal-Agent Problem, 2007). Considerable research has b....

Enhancing childrens learning through bicultural practice
Enhancing Children’s learning through bicultural practice Description of early childhood setting and community The early childhood setting I am evaluating is an urban centre with families from multicultural background. Most of the children are English speaking from New Zealand, England, and S....

Entreprenuership and the Economy
Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to determine whether or not now is as good a time as any to start a small business. After reviewing entrepreneurship I examine the current state of the economy including all the factors that affect the business segment. Such as unemployment, the effe....

Environmental Analysis - Starbucks
Running head: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Environmental Analysis – Starbucks University of Phoenix MBA 501: Forces Influencing Business in the 21st Century 5/14/08 David Mozinski Introduction Starbucks is a dominant multinational coffeehouse chain based in the U....

Environmental Analysis of Starbucks
Introduction Starbucks is a dominant multinational coffeehouse chain based in the United States. This company is the largest coffeehouse in the world, with 8,505 company-owned and 6,506 licensed stores in over 40 countries, making a total of 15,011 stores worldwide. Starbucks sells drip brewed cof....

Ethics in an Academic Setting
In today’s world, technology progresses every day at an overwhelming rate. Cell phones, IPODS, calculators and internet access are just a few of the technological advancements available which make our lives easier. Along with these new advancements comes certain ethical responsibilities, and surp....

Etymology of Court
In this report, I have attempted to display a general understanding of how the word court arrived in the English language and suggest reasons for its evolution. Much of the challenge has been determining what of the information I could present. Length restrictions and the condition set out, to use....

Examination of fishery management
Fishery Management: Galveston Bay United States fishery management endeavors involve a complicated balance between laws, science and policies. Management plans are implemented in an effort to control our nation’s most valuable food supply and to satisfy future demands. Proper regulations are a ne....

Explain how the management of quality has changed from an attempt to screen out defects into a competitive weapon.
The history of quality management, since simple ‘inspection’ to Total Quality Management, and its current ‘branded interpretations such as ‘Six Sigma’, has led to the development of indispensable processes, ideas, theories and tools are vital to organisational progress, change management, and t....

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