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150 American D Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

Sustainable Community
Toward a Sustainable Community Not until the spread of the Industrial Revolution in the late nineteenth century, has man possessed the ability to adversely alter, on a global scale, the geologic and climatic cycles that have existed for millennia. Planet earth, which man calls home, is approximat....

The American Dream in Death of a Salesman
The ‘American Dream’ is a fictitious reality that evolves in everyone’s mind. The dream is not going to be the same for everyone. It is more of an idea than a dream. Everyone longs and dreams to be the ‘perfect family’. However, the perfect family is nothing but a mere cliché. There is no perf....

1790s foregin and domestic affairs
Throughout the 1790’s, the United States was involved in many foreign and domestic affairs that had both positive and negative effects on American politics. After the Constitution ratified in June of 1788 the nation would for a first time be under a true form of Government. The new Government under....

A Closer Look at O Pioneers!
A Closer look at O Pioneers! “The man, the instrument of the creation will die, but his creation does not.” (Pirandello) There are many people who have left an imprint on the history of humanity through their writing. Every person has their own style of writing. Style is what differenti....

A John Deere Legacy
A John Deere Legacy Introduction When assessing the real bottom-line success of this famous company, the obvious conclusion is that without the foundation of strong, basic values, any success would have been fleeting and it would never have endured. John Deere’s amazing longevity and prosperity....

A Road Less Traveled
The Road Less TraveledThe two main political parties in this century have contribute a great deal to the development of African-Americans. As America has develop so has African-Americans. Since politicians control everyday life, they can change history completely. In the upcoming state of America, A....

Abercrombie and Fitch Research
Research Purpose The project that our group has chosen to explore is concerning the Abercrombie and Fitch clothing company. More specifically, the recent issues and cases that have brought against them regarding racial hiring issues and the boundaries that they have chosen in promoting “sex” ....

Adopted Homelands
In “American Dreamer,” Bharati Mukherjee gives insight to her readers about her own personal life experiences with racism, multi-culturism, her struggles with identity, and her desire to come to “America”. For Mukherjee, America is “the stage for the drama of self-transformation” (52).....

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Literary Critiques through the Decades
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been a source of controversy since its publication in 1884. It was banned from many public libraries on its first appearance for being "trash." Although today it is widely regarded as a—if not the—classic American novel, it still poses problems for some rea....

Advertising Plan for Webster University Thailand
Advertising Plan for Webster University Thailand. I. Introduction. II. Company’s Profile. III. Sitution Analysis a. Strength b. Weakness c. Opportunities d. Threats IV. Key Planning Decisions. a. Advertising Objectives. b. Target Audiences. c. Competitive Advantage. d. Image, Personal....

Affirmative Action
Many upcoming high school graduates have aspirations of continuing his or her education at a major university. In order to become accepted into a college of one’s choice, he or she must dedicate time and efforts to obtain the grades required. People have been taught that through ....

Al Capone
Prohibition led to the bootlegging of liquor and the gang wars of the 1920s. The most notorious gangster of all time, known as Al Capone, was the most powerful mob leader of his era. He dominated organized crime in the Chicago area from 1925 until 1931. Capone grew up during the roaring 20s in Chic....

America and the PURSUIT of happiness
Langston Hughes is clearly painting a negative picture of America in his poem titled: "Let America be America again." The reader can clearly recognize this even in his second line where he writes: "I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars." Let us examine the poem in more detail and use ....

American Beauty
American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes, explores the ideology of the American Dream and by doing this forces the audience to consider the flaws embedded within contemporary American society. Mendes portrays the sad reality of materialism and denial through his depiction of a dysfunctional American ....

American Democracy Through the Eyes of an Optimist
On a late summer night in 1773, some radical Americans led by Samuel Adams dressed up like Indians and dumped thousands of pounds of tea into Boston Harbor (Lowi, Ginsberg, and Shepsle 39). At the time no one thought that this single rebellious act would change history and give birth to the greates....

American Diabetes Association
Based on the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet, "8.3% of the population [has] diabetes" . Diabetes is a disease caused by the pancreas's inability to produce insulin . Diabetes is classified by three categories: type 1, type 2, and gestational. The key to leading a healthy life is to learn....

american diet
american diet Are you over weight? Do you get tired easily? Do you struggle with high cholesterol or with high blood pressure? If so, do not worry you are not alone. Thousands of United States citizens suffer from obesity and other food related health problems. These problems can be traced back to ....

American Dream
The American Dream The American Dream, what is your definition of it? Does it involve money? Does it involve love? Does it involve healthiness? People have different definitions of what they would prefer in their “American Dream.” First of all, I will define American Dream. The American Drea....

American Dream - How Media Affects our Lives
In today's world, everyone has a dream. Everyone child dreams of their future profession, every adult dreams of a lifestyle they want to achieve. Some kids dream to become pop stars; others want to become teachers. Some grown men and woman dream of being billionaires, sitting by the pool while other....

American Dream of Warren Buffett
The popular American capitalist, Warren Buffett, has set the standard for many people by reaching the American Dream for most; from the moment young Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska, he had always targeted high and worked harder than anyone, to reach those infinite goals. Many people have....

American Dream or American Nightmare
America and its people have upheld the concept of the "American Dream." The meaning of this concept has changed and altered throughout the years. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, every man has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Multitudes of movies and....

American Dream Paper- The Great Gatsby
The “American Dream” is conceived by most people as the desire for prosperity, strong family life, and success. The question is, is this dream attainable? And if so, are the consequences and suffering along the way equal to the fulfillment of reaching this goal? Or is the strife and loss of friend....

American Dreams
Everyone grows up having dreams. The way of life in America has developed many different ways they believe the American dream is like. My father came from Guatemala when he was seventeen, I understand, for him to make that journey from a place that is all you have ever known to go to a place that yo....

American History Examination Essay
It is the intent of this paper to prove that the "American Dream" canbest be explained as a "ciity upon a hill." "Ciity upon a hill" meaningbeing above and superior over those below. The Civil War, the imperialisticrace of the 19th century, the Korean War, the KKK, and the Gulf War are allexamples ....

American Ideals
American ideals are about longing after youth, respect, power, money, opportunity, and beauty. Americans will go as far as possible to achieve the “American Dream” no matter what the expenditure. In the endeavor of achieving one or several of these American ideals, Americans have abandoned their....

Analysis of “The Aristocratic Origin of American Freedom”
What is aristocracy? Aristocracy is the form of government in which minority rules under the law. Viereck argues in his article “The Aristocratic Origin of American Freedom” about the nature of civil liberties and American Democracy. He is trying to prove that “the concept of civil liberties i....

Analysis: The American Perspective On Hackers
The issue of public information has always been a controversy in our world. One of our country’s founding arguments was based on the necessity of free speech and free information. Many now believe that our government is being overly restrictive on information, blocking and controlling some asp....

Andy Warhol Bio
Andy Warhol was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh. His mother was Julia Warhol and his father was Andrej Warhol. He was the youngest of the three sons. His original name was Andrew Warhola. His father worked as a construction worker, he unfortanetly died when Andy was only 13 years old, and his mother drew....

Are immigrants harmful?
What is an American? An American is someone who loves thier country and the people in it, and believes in bettering thier own lives as well as the lives of those around them. Does it really matter that these individuals may be of German or Chinese desent? No, not at all; thier ethnic background has ....

Argumentative essay on great gatsby
The Great Gatsby There have been many themes discussed in the novel, honesty, vision and the American Dream. The American Dream is a central theme in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. It is best defined as the quest for enormous wealth and material objects; similarly, those who pursue thi....

Arthur Millers Failures and Success with Death of a Salesman
In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller wrote the play to point out the ways of how one person thinks. In the play, he mainly uses Willy Loman to demonstrate examples of what goes on his mind during the day. Willy seemed successful at first being a salesman but as you get into the inner workings of hi....

Asian American Dream
Three Ingredients in Achieving the Asian American Dream The reality of the American Dream is the driving passion in most Americans regardless of age, sex, and cultural background. Some would say the American Dream is to buy and own a home, but it's so much more! The American Dream is really so n....

Automobile History
History of the American Automobile The American automobile industry is arguably the most significant achievement of the twentieth century. This achievement has shaped American industry, the country’s landscape and culture. “The giants who built our automobile industry came from America’s Farms,....

Barrio Boy and The Joy Luck Club
In both pieces of literature; "Barrio Boy," by Ernesto Galarza and "The Joy Luck Club," by Amy Tan; the authors portray five families and their friends struggle with language barriers, even within their own families, adapting to the customs and routines of the North American society, and how the you....

Benjamin Franklin -- Living the
Benjamin Franklin – Living the “American Dream” “I was not discourag’d by the seeming Magnitude of the Undertaking, as I have always thought that one Man of tolerable Abilities may work great Changes, & accomplish great Affairs among Mankind, if he first forms a good Plan, and, cutting off al....

Beta: Beat of the Future
If we allow the past to teach us anything, we will know that those who practiced courageous roles as young adults in their communities somehow are destined to govern our states and nations. The future of our country is in the hands of teens like myself, many of whom enjoy time committed to ....

Blue Jeans, the Ultimate American Icon
Gold was discovered in California in 1849. This resulted in more than eighty thousand Americans rushing to California. The pioneering spirit spread and by 1890, the Wests population reached nearly 17 million. The west became the most racially diverse part of the country. All were in search of a ....

childhood obesity
Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem in the United States. Not only does excess weight lead to medical and psychosocial disorders in children, there is a strong link between childhood obesity and adult obesity. Exacerbating the problem are trends in eating patterns favoring more and ....

Childhood Obesity can be stopped
Obesity has become increasingly more prominent in American society. The Unites States has even been termed an overweight nation. Some twenty to thirty percent of American adults are now considered obese (Hwang 1999 and Hirsch et al 1997). With this in mind, Americans constantly look around themselve....

Citizen Kane: An Accurate Portrayal of William Randolph Hearst?
Many have called Citizen Kane the greatest cinematic achievement of all time. It is indeed a true masterpiece of acting, screen writing, and directing. Orson Welles, its young genius director, lead actor, and a co-writer, used the best talents and techniqu....

Closer Look at American Beauty
A Closer Look American Beauty is a movie that lets viewers see how a perfect family, living in the flawless suburbs, can really turn out to be. The Burnhams seem like a typical family that have ritual family dinners ever night. There is a successful working husband, named Lester and a hard....

Comparism of Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin
Comparing these two authors, we must consider the basic difference between them. Jonathan Edwards, famous for his sermons, tried to bill his own philosophy based on puritans faith. That understood man as a sinful failure and the basic source of his inspiration was the Bible. On the other hand, Benj....

Comparison of the Movie Crash and August Wilson's Fences
Throughout many works of literature, and film, one of the most popular themes that directors, writers want to portray is discrimination. This theme is popular because in society, no matter what acts are taken to terminate this hatred, and mistreatment toward each other, that same history....

Consider the importance of Italian loyalty in the play “A View from the Bridge” by Arthur Miller.
The play “A view from the Bridge” by Arthur Miller revloves around the Carbone family andthe idea of Italian loyalty. In the small Italian ghetto in Brooklyn , where the Carbone family reside, loyalty and justice play a main part in the daily lives of the whole community. We, as an audience, see ....

Contemporary Issues - The Death Penalty
There are crimes considered by our society to be so atrocious and intolerable such as murder or rape of a child that if convicted, that the only punishment suitable for committing these crimes is the Death Penalty. The Death Penalty, also called Capital Punishment, is the execution of a convicted c....

Corruption of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby
Booze, bribery, bootleggers, betrayal, blood, bankruptcy, and blatant blindness of the real world. That’s what factored the American dream to the American nightmare. The 1920’s was a period of optimism that consequently ended up as a period of pessimism. Dreams and ideas were copious, but plans ....

Hispanic American Diversity Discovering Cuban-American identity through Cubans where often faced with leaving their culture behind and adopt the ways of the American culture. Many upper classes, educated and wealthy Cuban’s left their home land to come to America, while believing they would move b....

Cultural differences in Financial companies
At a first glance, the financial industry seems to be comprised of many firms involved in near perfect competition. All shops on the global Wall Street seem to be selling very similar products with analogous names and close rate of returns. However, a closer look into the inner workings of each firm....

Cultural Diversity in Latin American Cultures
When recognizing the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions and statuses of four Hispanic groups living in the United States; Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and El Salvadoran. Every one of these groups has a rich cultural identity but has been placed ....

Dangers of the American Dream in The Incomparable Atuk
The Incomparable Atuk, written by Mordecai Richler, is an ingeniously plotted book that touches upon Canadian nationalism from a different perspective. It is a powerful and imperious novel that takes an in-depth look at deception and the major effects it evokes. Through the experiences of one innoce....

Death of a Salesman
Some may seek the land of opportunity for success, for a new life. This is one reason thousands of people migrate to this country every year. The jobs pay well, the housing built strong, and the economy is rising. You must experience it for yourself. Many experience the American Dream that is advert....

Death of a Salesman
The play Death of a Salesman is a tragic story of Willy Loman and his endless pursuit of success. Willy can no longer recognize his own reality, or why he has failed. Therefore he wreaks havoc on his own life and that of his family. Unaware of what warped his mind and behavior, he commits suicide in....

Death of a salesman
Death of a Salesman 2 By: Arthur Miller The first important thing to note is the author’s choice to name it a‘ Requiem’ rather than‘ epilogue’. The definition of Requiem in‘ The concise Oxford dictionary’ is‘ special Mass for repose of souls of the dead’. This really reveals what main pur....

Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman Act 1 Pt. 1 and 2 In act one, the main characters are introduced. The main character is Willy Loman, a salesman living in Brooklyn. His family members are: Linda, his wife; Biff, his eldest son; and Happy, his youngest son. The setting takes place at his house. As the scene....

death of a salesman
A Success at Failure: The Tragic Anti-hero of Willy Loman “A hundred years from now, it will not matter what type of car I drove, or what kind of house I lived in, or the amount of money I made, yet the world might be changed because I made a positive difference in the life of a child.” This incr....

Death of a salesman
A dream that never come true "Money, money, money must be funny in the rich man's world." The song that performed by ABBA describes how a girl desire to be rich. In the tragedy play Death of a Salesman, the Loman Family who lived in the Brooklyn neighborhood of the New York City was peopl....

Death of a Salesman - Unattainable Dream
Some people say that if you work hard enough for something, it will be your's in time. There are instances, however, when hard work is not all that is necessary. In Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, the main character, Willy Loman, travels a long and bumpy road with hopes of attaining the Americ....

Death of a Salesman Essay
Willy Loman is what one may call a confused man. He has always known what he wanted in life but has never been able to reach that certain point in life. His biggest goal in life is to be liked by both his family, community, and bussiness associates. All his life he has tried to move in the right dir....

Death of a salesman, Theme
In the play "Death of a Salesman" by "Arthur Miller", there are many themes. The main theme illustrates the failure of a success driven society to deliver the rewards it promises. This is the leading theme from which all the other themes develop. This theme shows how the need to follow "The Ameri....

Death of a Salesman: The False American Dream
Death of a Salesman: The False American Dream The play ‘Death of a Salesman’ by Arthur Miller is about tragedy through trying to obtain the ‘American dream’. Willy Loman, husband and father of two sons, works as a salesman in New York. The play promptly reveals that Loman is insane, but re....

Death of A Salesman: Willy and the American Dream
“Death of A Salesman” by Arthur Miller, is a tragic play about a traveling salesman. Willy Loman reflects on and experiences his life while trying to reach his ultimate goal of obtaining the American dream. His obsession with success and his constant reminiscing of the past, ultimately contribute ....

Deconstructing the American Dream
DECONSTRUCTING THE AMERICAN DREAM THE AMERICAN DREAM IN AMERICAN LITERATURE The American Dream is one of a self-made man and promising prosperity and happiness to anyone who works hard. Originally relating to the desire for spiritual and material improvement, the American Dream also relates to t....

Democracy: One for All or All for One Yolanda Stroud Social and Behavioral Science- BEHS 210 Dr. S. M. Amini April 5, 2005 Democracy: One for all or All for One Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, strengthening democracy....

Dental Hygienist
Dental Hygienists are integral members in the ever evolving field of dentistry. The core functions of a dental hygienist are examining the mouth for diseases and abnormalities, the removal of deposits from teeth, educating patients on the importance of proper oral hygiene and care of rendered dent....

Describe Durkheims use of the term Anomie and show how Merton used it in his famous paper of 1938
Sociological thought attempts to explain issues in terms of interaction between social institutions. Emile Durkheim developed the theory of anomie and used it to explain crime and in particular suicide. In Social Structure and Anomie (1938) Robert King Merton elaborated Durkheim’s theory to explain....

Diabetes Diabetes is a very serious disease that attacks millions of people around the world. This is a disease that affects the body’s ability to respond or even produce insulin. Without insulin, the body’s sugar is not able to enter the cells and be used for energy. Therefore, there is a la....

Dieting: The Fools’ Paradise
Dieting: The Fools’ Paradise "From now on you'll eat what I tell you to.... This is the last time you'll refuse to eat. From now on..." ...Be pretty, but beauty is only skin deep. ...Be happy, but please others, first and foremost. ...Be thin, but stay healthy. ...Be thin. ...Be thin. ....

Dieting: The Vegetarian Way
Today there are many different kinds of diets to promote a better health for the average living person of today. Diets that is high in protein, diets that are high in fiber, diets that are high in calcium and many more different kinds of diets. But what is the right diet of today that will promote ....

Different Types of Discrimination
Different Types of Discrimination By: Dustin C. Shumway G. Alan Williams 03/26/07 Discrimination means unequal treatment. Title VII of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that no person employed or seeking employment by a business with more than 15 employees may be discriminated against due to ....

Discuss the significance of the following extract from “Death Of A Salesman”
Discuss the significance of the following extract from “Death Of A Salesman” P21-26: Biff-Happy-Willy-Bernard Death of a Salesman is set in the late nineteen-forties/ early nineteen-fifties and is located in Brooklyn, New York, United States. The play addresses the painful conflicts within ....

Discussion of The Motif Of Finding Riches In The Jungle
Unit1: lesson2: key question 2. David Honig Discussion of The Motif Of Finding Riches In The Jungle The American dream, in literary works, is often portrayed as an unattainable quest, the quest for money as a way to fulfillment. Ironically, chasing a dream rarely brings fulfillment. Miller ....

About the name “dividends” The name comes from the arithmetic operation of division: if a / b = c then a is the dividend, b the divisor, and c the quotient. In the United States, credit unions generally use the term "dividends" to refer to interest payments they make to depositors. These are not....

Doris Lessing, The Gras is Singing - White Present in the District: The Turner Case in its Social Setting
Doris Lessing's novel The Grass is Singing was published in 1950 and regarded as the "most successful colonial novel since The Story of an African Farm [...] in 1883." It is a political novel which deals with racial polarity and ideology. In The Grass is Singing Doris Lessing demonstrates how the c....

Downfall of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby
Downfall of the American Dream People’s desire for fun and wealth during the 1920’s led to the deterioration of the American dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald wanted to show this deterioration through his novel The Great Gatsby. In The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway moves to West Egg, New York to work in....

Dream vs. Money
A Raisin in the Sun is basically about dreams. In 1950¡¯s, many young people pursue to fulfill the American Dream like owning a home in a nice environmental area. While many families were able to save money easily and successfully fulfill their dreams, others were not so fortunate. As the main ....

Duality in The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby is a novel by the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. First published on April 10, 1925, the story is set in New York City and Long Island during the summer of 1922. The novel chronicles an era that Fitzgerald himself dubbed the "Jazz Age." Following the shock and chaos of the Firs....

Edward Albee
Edward Albee was born in Washington, DC on March 12, 1928. When he was two weeks old, Albee was adopted by millionaire couple Reed and Frances Albee. The Albees named their son after his paternal grandfather, Edward Franklin Albee, a powerful producer who had made the family fortune as a partner in....

Effective Communications Case Study Analysis: The Myth of Silver Fillings
On December 23, 1990, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes" panicked the television audience by announcing that toxins have invaded the American mouth. The "60 Minutes" broadcast, narrated by veteran reporter Morley Safer, was intended to alarm and to persuade its audience that the mercury in dental fillings....

Expansion of the United States
Throughout the late nineteenth-century and early twentieth century the United States expanded into both political and social power. Although the growth of the United States increased into a dominant nation it was not a mutual decision of the main concept of expansionism. While those who opposed foug....

F. Scott Fitzgerald : The American Dream
F. Scott Fitzgerald: The American Dream Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, the spokesman for the Jazz Age, ruled America’s decade of prosperity and excess, which began soon after World War 1 and ended around the time of the stock market crash of 1929. The novels and stories for which he is best....

Family Values First Writing Assignment There are so many various types of people with different ethnic backgrounds; culture and manner of living that are the cause of distinct values in a family. These families have poor, mediocre or virtuous family values, however what one may consider as a med....

Fate of The New World
The American Dream has lately been heavily questioned. Many believes that the dream that has enticed people from throughout the world has faded away. As the currently greatest economic power, the third most populous country in the world has lost its own people's confidence of the promising future th....

Fear and Loathing in the Desert
Edward Abbey, an environmentalist and author describes the desert in his essay “The Great American Desert”(1997) as a horrible place in an attempt to make people stay away. One of the things he describes is the countless danger from insects, animals, vegetation and the environment itself. All whic....

Fifities (The 50's)
The fifties was a very exciting decade. It was a time of happiness and fun. The end of World War II brought thousands of young servicemen back to America to pick up their lives and start new families in new homes with new jobs. With energy never before experienced, American industry expanded to m....

Fitzgerald’s Accuracy in His Portrayal of the Twenties
F. Scott Fitzgerald was accurate in his portrayal of the aristocratic flamboyancy and indifference of the 1920s. In his novel, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores many aspects of indifference and flamboyancy. A large influence on this society was the pursuit of the American Dream. Gangsters played....

For Love of Money
Throughout history, wealth and riches have sometimes made but most often broken the lives of many Americans. Although materialism has become widely accepted and encouraged in society, it has also been proven to be vastly destructive. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a represent....

Future of This Country: The Presidential Election of 2008
Barack Obama was born on the fourth of August 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He grew up herding goats, but when he entered a life of education, the direction of his life changed course. He went to school at Punahou Academy in fifth grade and later graduated with honors in 1979. After high school, Barack ....

Gatsby's Pursuit of the American Dream
The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the American Dream, and the downfall of those who attempt to reach its illusionary goal. The attempt to capture the American Dream is central to many novels. This dream is different for different people, but in The Great Gatsby, for Jay, t....

general crime theories
General Theory of Crime Brian Campbell CJ102-C06 The general theory of crime is also known as the self control theory and the event-propensity theory. Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi were the theorists who proposed the general theo....

German Background
Just like many other Europeans, Germans came to North America ever since it was founded and settled by the French and English. There were very many different reasons why people left their homelands in Europe to come over to America. The price of freedom was cheap, and worth the hard traveled road to....

Glass Menagerie - Amanda's Character
CONTEXTUAL ESSAY: AMANDA’S CHARACTER AND RELATIONSHIP WITH HER CHILDREN Question: With close reference to the language and mood of the passage, discuss what you see of Amanda's character and her relationship with her children. Passage: Scene one, from "There was young Champ Laughlin..." to e....

Globalisation is a term, which has invoked extensive academic debate over its impact and credibility, giving rise to a number of perspectives harboured by their respective scholars. Resulting from this division is a lack of universal acceptance towards a single definition beyond broad descriptions ....

Globalisation Globalisation is a term, which has invoked extensive academic debate over its impact and credibility, giving rise to a number of perspectives harboured by their respective scholars. Resulting from this division is a lack of universal acceptance towards a single definition beyon....

Graham and Ailey
Modern dance is a style of dance brought about through rebellion. Dancers were no longer content to follow the strict, regulated form of ballet—dancing on the frontal axis only, toes always pointed, feet turned out—modern dancers wanted to be able to show their emotions, tell stories and use th....

Great Gatsby
East Egg, West Egg, and Valley of Ashes significantly define the theme of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The setting and characters illustrate the differences of class, wealth, and social status which truly symbolize the essence of the American dream in the roaring twenties. These thr....

Great Gatsby
The 1920's were full with parties, jazz concerts, and social events. And so were filled with greed, success, and wealth. No matter where the character came from or the circumstances of their personal life experiences. The Great Gatsby portrays the ideal life in the 1920's. Mostly because the next si....

Great Gatsby moral failure
"Virtue is its own reward, vice constitutes its own punishment". In The Great Gatsby represents a moral failure in the society of 1920's that lived in United States of America, this moral failure is originated in the pursuit of the "American Dream" by the society and but it got corrupted with avaric....

GREAT GATSBY: They're a rotten crowd you're worth the whole damn bunch put together Do you agree with Nicks comment about Gatsby?
There is no doubt that Gatsby is “worth the whole damn bunch put together.” Although he is naïve and obsessed, he also has a dream that he prepared to fight for, integrity to his friends and it is these qualities together with Gatsby’s inherent concern for others that make him morally superior t....

Great Gatsby: To Live in Those Decades of Years
By last week, I had finished reading the American masterpiece by F.Scott Fitzgerald—The Great Gatsby. Greatly impressed by its downright pragmatic structures and plots, I couldn’t help pondering over its significant implied reflection of American society at the beginning of the twentieth century. ....

Greatness of Jay Gatsby
Throughout the 1920s, men and women saw unlimited opportunities in the century to come. During that generation, everyone lived their lives without a care in the world and the rich and famous lived their lives without any boundaries. People hid their true identity behind disguises from regular socie....

Horace Greeley Born in 1811, in Amherst, New Hampshire, the son of farming parents, holder of an active mind, and a love for writing, Horace Greeley was a man who knew what he wanted in life. He began his lifelong expedition into the world of journalism at the age of fifteen, as a printer’s train....

Henry Ford
Henry Ford was one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in creating the automobile assembly line, it was his controversial characteristics and unorthodox approach towards administrating the Ford Motor Company which resulted in the conglomeration of one of the most successful corporations in the worl....

Henry Ford
Henry Ford was born in Greenfield, Michigan on July 30, 1863. His beginnings were humble, he was the son of a farmer. Ford dropped out of school at 15 to help with the family farm, but that didn’t mean he liked doing farm work. In 1879 he moved to Detroit to become an apprentice in a machine sh....

Hispanic American Diversity
According to Vanessa Bonhomme, Discovering Cuban-American Identity Through Literary Works, Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume 5, Issue 4, Cubans where often faced with leaving their culture behind and adopt the ways of the American culture. Many upper class, educated and wealthy Cuban’s left....

Hispanic American Diversity
The Hispanic-American people have endured great hardship and prejudice. However, amidst the unfair treatment, their cultures and customs have managed to shine through. Along with their determination came their powerful traditions that are influencing the American nation. The four Hispanic culture....

The intention of this essay is to convey research findings and identifying the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions or statuses of four Hispanic groups living in the United States. The four groups chosen for research are Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuba....

Hispanic American Diversity
In this research paper, I will identify the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conversations status of Hispanic group such as Mexican American, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Dominican who are living in the United Stated. I will conclude this research by summarizing the ma....

Hispanic American Diversity
Hispanic American Diversity Hispanic American Diversity Here, in The United States, one could find many different ethnic and racial groups. One might say it is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in Ame....

Hispanic diversity
In identifying the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions and/or statuses of four Hispanic groups living in the United States; the following four groups have been chosen, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and El Salvadorians. Each group h....

House of Sand and Fog
Movie analysis House of Sand and Fog Critical Analysis: House of Sand and Fog The two main characters of this film are Kathy (Jennifer Connelly), a recovering alcoholic who is struggling to maintain her sobriety while being faced with losing the family’s house that her recently deceased fathe....

House of Sand and Fog
Critical Analysis: House of Sand and Fog The two main characters of this film are Kathy (Jennifer Connelly), a recovering alcoholic who is struggling to maintain her sobriety while being faced with losing the family’s house that her recently deceased father had worked so hard for. Kathy had negl....

House of Sand and Fog Analysis
Critical Analysis: House of Sand and Fog The two main characters of this film are Kathy (Jennifer Connelly), a recovering alcoholic who is struggling to maintain her sobriety while being faced with losing the family’s house that her recently deceased father had worked so hard for. Kathy had ne....

How does Arthur Miller turn a family argument into an exciting, dramatic, and theatrical event?
In this essay I am going to discuss how Arthur Miller transformed a family argument into an exciting, dramatic, and theatrical event in the play “A View from the Bridge.” I will talk about characters, events and dramatic devices used to create such a dramatic event. The protagonist of the play ....

How does Miller build up Dramatic tension in A View from the Bridge?
‘A View from the Bridge’ is a play set in 1940’s America. It is about a typical Italian Family living in the ‘the slum that faces the bay…’ in one of the most poor areas in America, Red Hook. In the play the main character is Eddie who faces a great dilemma in the play. Catherine his niece is ....

How far was Martin Luther King responsible for the Civil Rights Movement?
A key debate in the civil rights movement is the importance of Martin Luther King. Clayborne Carson contends, “if King had never lived, the black struggle would have followed a course of development similar to the one it did.” T the figure most closely associated with advances made by the civil ri....

How Gatsby Survived the Twenties
The Twenties was a new experience for America; it was not called “roaring” for nothing. With the thousands of troops returning from overseas coupled with the end of the war, Americans felt an intensified appreciation for life’s pleasures. Newfound fervor for drinking, ironically inspired by the p....

America is sometimes referred to as a "nation of immigrants" because of our largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners pursuing their vision of the American Dream. Recently, there has been a clamor by some politicians and citizens toward creating a predominantly closed-door policy on immig....

Should United States allow Immigrants to this Country? America is sometime referred to as “nation of immigrants” because of our largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners pursing their vision of the American Dream. The United State admits about 900,000 legal immigrants each year, up f....

Immigration Opinion Essay
There are many people all over the United States that are very opinionated over the topic of immigration. You can also find those that really don’t care what happens one way or another. I have always been a very opinionated person every since I was a child. I look at is as you have your thoughts an....

In God (McCarthy) We Trust
In God (McCarthy) We Trust We've all seen and heard the news from all over the country that shows our religious leaders and certain politicians are hell-bent on getting religion into our public schools. There are the "Hang Ten" efforts to get the Ten Commandments on our public school....

Is American democracy growing stronger or weaker since the year 1978?
Since 1978 America has moved from a modern society to a post-modern world. This has brought about many changes in the way the economy, government, educational system, and even our own family's function on an everyday level. Many of these changes have been accepted as good and proper, while others ha....

Is deception justified in the books: The Great Gatsby and Go Tell it on the Mountain
“It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe he has prepared himself for the commi....

Is graffiti art a direct result of post war advertising?
ABSTRACT In a cultural landscape of hyper reality, branded lifestyles and 15-minute fame, one's subconscious receives thousands of advertisements a day. It is through this daily diet of propaganda that we shape our minds as we grow up. The desire we feel to make a mark on this world leads us to exc....

Is The American Dream Killing You - Morals in The Market
Driving to the college one Saturday morning, I tuned into a non-profit radio station to which I enjoy listening. Instead of my favorite genre of music, a talk show was in progress. As my mind drifted, my consciousness was captured by the words “so, are you saying that people think of The Mar....

JAMBA JUICE NEW STORE PROJECT Jamba Juice Project MBA / 590 Strategic Implementation and Alignment Jamba Juice Project The vice president of sales for Jamba juice was ask to open a new juice bar in University section of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Jamba Juice and Smooth....

John Lockes life
John Locke, (August 29, 1632 – October 28, 1704) was an English philosopher. Locke is considered the first of the British Empiricists, but is equally important to social contract theory. His ideas had enormous influence on the development of epistemology and political philosophy, and he is widely r....

John Stienbecks life
John Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men, is a novel considered to be one of the classics, read by many high school students around the world. This story of friendship captures the time period, teaches an important lesson about existence, and explains the tough reality in which the strong triumph over the....

Katherine Dunham
The contribution of Katherine Dunham and Alvin Ailey to modern dance Katherine Dunham's background and work Katherine Dunham created one of the most popular American dance companies ever, and she was a pioneer in exploring the African American cultural heritage. Why is it then such an amazing ....

Katherine Dunham
Born: June 22, 1909 Died: May 21, 2006 Occupation: choreographer, dancer Born in Chicago, and raised in Joliet, Illinois, Katherine Dunham did not begin formal dance training until her late teens. In Chicago she studied with Ludmilla Speranzeva and Mark Turbyfill, and danced her first leadi....

Latin American Immigration
Latin American Immigration Introduction There are many origins of immigration into the United States. I chose to focus my research on Latin America, and more importantly, Mexico and Guatemala, based on a few factors that play key roles in the development of the United States. Latin Americans, inc....

Legalizing Marijuana
Marijuana could be legalized in the United States, as it can help the seriously ill dying patients, people with eating disorders, and people with anxiety or depression. There has never been any proven cases that smoking marijuana has ever caused a death, as tobacco and alcohol has caused several. ....

Life of George W. Bush
George W. Bush Report Life Through College George Walker Bush was born on July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut. He grew up in Houston, Texas with four younger siblings: Jeb, Neil, Marvin, and Dorothy. He had another sister, but she died of Leukemia at age 3. Bush was educated at Philli....

Loman & the American Dream
During the 1940s, American society became increasingly consumerist and more competitive than ever before. Arthur Miller’s play ‘Death of a Salesman’ questions the values upon which this society is based and the way in which these contribute to the destruction of a man such as Willy....

Love, Greed and Destruction in The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby has many important themes that apply to the everyday life of North Americans. Fitzgerald proposed ideas such as love cannot be bought by money, and most importantly, wealth and greed will always lead to death and destruction. One more not....

Low Will Victimize
Happiness is usually found within a state of balance, which only oneself can fully provide. Other external factors certainly contribute to such a state of contentment, but that can depend on interpretation. Anyone can influence an-others emotions. When someone is satisfied with life they are at ea....

Lyndon B Johnson
Johnson was born on Aug. 27, 1908, near Johnson City, Tex., the eldest son of Sam Ealy Johnson, Jr., and Rebekah Baines Johnson. His father, a struggling farmer and cattle speculator in the hill country of Texas, provided only an uncertain income for his family. Politically act....

Mad Cowboy
Even if animal testing produced the cure for Aids, wed be against it This rhetoric notion was stated by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and summarizes the fanatical doctrine animal rights activists preach to their followings. These activists preach a doctrine of hate calling for ....

Managing Across the Organization
In today’s highly competitive business world, companies face new challenges everyday. Good Sport is not the first company to have to change their strategy to adapt to their ever-changing industry. Upon researching the issues Good Sport faces, it is not uncommon for companies to experience conflict ....

Manifest Destiny
1.What does the term “Manifest Destiny” mean? The phrase “Manifest Destiny” was coined in the 1840s. Mainly used by politicians and leaders, the term justified and promoted the expansion of territory across the North American continent. “Manifest Destiny” gave the settlers a kind of mis....

Martha Graham
Martha Graham was considered one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. She is one of the greatest figures of American modern dance, so great that today her techniques and styles are still practiced. She quickly became widely known after her first debut in the 1920’s. Martha Grah....

Memo on McMansions
The University of Virginia (ENWR 110) Memo To: Mr. Jad Donohoe From: Mr. Byron Shannon CC: To whom it may concern Date: 9/12/2005 Re: Timeline America, a country described commonly as the land of the plenty, the prosperous and the American Dream, is acquiring a new face these days, especiall....

One of the best company Alvin Ailey is what I intended to watch as an experience of modern dance. Since Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater has a respected name, the expectations were very high with the intentions of learning something new. The theater was very sophisticated since it was a formal per....

Moral decay in The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby is a story of the ill-fated love between a man and a woman set in 1922 America. There are several prominent themes running throughout the story including dreams and honesty. However, the most pervasive theme in The Great Gatsby is moral decay. In fiction, honesty is usually a reflec....

Motifs In Death of a Salesman
Written in 1949, Death of a Salesman tells the tragic story of an average man in the most poetic terms. The play presents a host of motifs that engage audiences all over the world. At its simplest level it can be seen as a domestic drama exploring relationships in the background of changing times, ....

motifs used in Death of a salesman
According to the dictionary of literary terms and devices, a motif is a “recurring structure, contrast, or literary device that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes. Arthur Miller uses a variety of different motifs in Death of a Salesman. One of the motifs he uses is mythic fig....

nifty fifties
The Nifty Fifties Thesis The Fifties shaped the way we live today. Fifties entertainment and fashion were in some ways better than today, and worse in other ways. Introduction I. Music a. Rock and Roll and artists II. Movies a. Gimmicks b. varieties III. Censorship a. Movies b. Radio ....

Nine Inch Damage, Six Inch Progress: Pros and cons of Reparations
Reparations Movement: Compare and Contrast No subject in the American past has sparked greater discussion and inflamed greater controversy than slavery. Since the arrival of the first Africans at Jamestown in 1619, through the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, to contemporary histori....

The Deviant Nature of Obesity Obesity has become increasingly more prominent in American society. The Unites States has even been termed an overweight nation. Some twenty to thirty percent of American adults are now considered obese (Hwang 1999 and Hirsch et al 1997). With this in mind, American....

Of Mice And Men
Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, takes place on a ranch in the Salinas Valley of California, against the backdrop of the Great Depression. Steinbeck writes of two ordinary men trying to live the American Dream. Unfortunately they fail to fulfill those dreams. Steinbeck opens ....

Of mice and Men
How does the opening scene prepare the reader for the rest of the novel? In opening passage of Of Mice and Men it seems as though Steinbeck takes great pains to familiarize us with the setting, and the descriptions of nature that he uses though-out , are very poetic and stand apart from the rest ....

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