150 Aristotle Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports
Physics (history)
Physics began when man first started to study his surroundings. Early applications of physics include the invention of the wheel and of primitive weapons. The people who built Stone Henge had knowledge of physical mechanics in order to move the rocks and place them on top of each other. It was not u....
A Brief Discussion of the History of Europe
The History of Europe describes the passage of time from humans inhabiting the European continent to the present day. The first evidence of people living in Europe dates back to 35,000 BC. Europe's ancient classical antiquity dates from Homer's Illiad in Ancient Greece of around 700 BC. The Roman Re....
A Brief Summary of Aristotle's
A Brief Summary of Aristotle's "Poetics"
Aristotle opens the Poetics by defining poetry as Mimesis or imitation. Imitation is the common principle of all arts. Some arts imitate by means of colour and shape; while some imitate by means of voice.
Aristotle never gives an explicit analysis of ....
A Dolls House as Tragedy
Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House can be seen as defining modern tragedy, and Ibsens innate ability at creating dramatic situations is evident in the fact that many of the conventions seen in theatre and television drama were developed within this play, some 120 years ago.
For instance, the popular....
African Americans in Eurocentric Societies
America is known as the land of opportunity or a place where one can build something from nothing. It is a collaboration of profound ideas based on equality. These ideas formed the Declaration of Independence, where all men are created equal. However this equality was constructed upon European e....
Age of Enlightenment (eighteenth century)
I personally like the idea of losing religion to gain free-thinking and science. To be able to have questions and figure out a way to solve them. To actually have determination to do it. The only flaw was that people became too open-minded and became gullible and lost their cautiousness around peop....
Philip's passing created hope for freedom among some Greeks. And, in 335, Thebans heard and believed a rumor that Alexander had also died. They revolted and trapped a Macedonian garrison in their city's citadel. Alexander led an army to Thebes, and in street fighting he overpowered the Thebans. He s....
Alexander by Oliver Stone
Alexander, produced by Oliver Stone and released in 2004, is a film dedicated to the life of Alexander the Great of Macedonia. Collin Farrell plays the role of the adult Alexander, and is the main character as the movie covers the young king's life. Focusing mainly on the eight years of battles as A....
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great, a patient and often devious man; had never struck without careful planning. The youthful, headstrong Alexander liked to settle problems by immediate action. Making decisions with great speed, he took extraordinary risks; his success was achieved by the amount of sheer force and ....
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great Born Late July 356 BC in Pella, MacedoniaDied June,10 323 BC in The Palace of Nabukodonossor, BabylonAlexandros III Philippou Makedonon, (Alexander the Great, Alexander III of Macedon), King of Macedonia, was born in July 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia. He was one of the greatest mil....
Alexander the Great
Alexander III
Alexander III the Great (b. Pella, 356-d. Babylon, June 323 BC), the greatest conqueror in history, changed the map of the world by his achievements. Son of Philip II and Olympias, he was tutored by Aristotle, who introduced him to the Greek letters and philosophy. He was instructed....
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great, who later would conqueror the Ancient World, was born in Pella, Macedonia in 356 B.C. He was the son of King Philip II of Macedon and his mother was Queen Olympias. From a young age, Alexander was encouraged by his mother to one day become a great leader. During his youth, Alex....
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander succeeded his father Philip II and was approved by the army to become King of Macedonia. He quickly became one of the most successful military commanders in history. Before his death, he conquered most of the world known to the ancient Greeks, and expanded the anc....
Alexander the Great
These stories have to be told because history cannot be understood without them. Here was the great world of men between India and the Adriatic ready for union, ready as it had never been before for a unifying control. Here was the wide order of the Persian Empire with its roads, its posts, its gene....
Alexander the great
Alexander the Great and His Achievements Alexander the Great was the king of Macedon. Alexander of Macedon, or ancient Mecadonia, deserves to be called the Great. Alexander the Great was considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He was an excellent king, general, and conqueror. ....
Alexander The Great
Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), king of Macedonia, conqueror of the Persian Empire, and one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. Alexander, born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia, was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. Aristotle was ....
Alexander The Great
Through out history there have been many important events that effected society in some form or fashion. Such great and catastrophic events such as the fall of rome , the rise of Hitler and the attack on pearl harbor had obvious effects and outcomes on the countries and people in which it involved.....
Alexander the Great and Conquests
Alexander the Great and Conquests
Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia born approximately on July 20th in 356 BC. His mother was Olympias, a young princess from Epirus. Alexander was a remarkable person who loved to recite Homeric poetry. At age fourteen his father sent him ....
All the President's Men
The movie All the President's Men (1976), is based on the work of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein two Washington Post newspaper writers, who uncovered the cover-up of the White House's involvement in the Democratic Party National headquarters, Watergate, break-in. At first, Bob Woodward discovers wh....
An analysis of Socrates' Oedipus Rex
In the fifth century, as philosopher became more prevalent, one extremely well known philosopher named Socrates became prominent. He influenced and taught many other Western Philosophers such as Plato, Xanthippe, Aristotle, and many more. Much of what we currently know about Socrates is derived ....
Ancient Greece
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION The Ancient Greek civilization was located on today’s Greek land, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded by mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the op....
Ancient Greek Theater
In ancient Greece, Greek comedy, tragedy, drama, and theater were essential parts of the Greek peoples everyday life. Greek drama impacts today universally very much the same way it did in the 4th-6th century BC. Controversial and yet entertaining at the same time, the origins of Greek theater int....
Ancient philosophers: Aristotle, Socates, Plato
Throughout history, people can notice as the generations go on, ideas are improved based on those who proceeded. Those before us set the basis, while we take those ideas and change them to fit out society. In philosophy, you can see a noticeable trend which dates back to BCE. Philosophers....
Ancient times political views and systems
Ancient times political views and systems
The general picture of political views and systems of ancient times can be easily seen through works of Plato, Aristotle and Polybius, which reflect the situation, existing in Ancient Greece of their time. Thus in order to have a conclusion on politica....
The 20th-century debate about animal rights can be traced back to the earliest philosophers. [6] In the 6th century BC, Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician who has been called the first animal rights philosopher [16] urged respect for animals because he believed in the transmigr....
animal rights
Animals, wild and domestic, have long been used by people for food, clothing, shelter, and kept as pets. Recently, they have been used for research purposes to develop and test and new medicines or medical treatment. In the United States, there has been a growing animal rights movement. Animal right....
Approaches to American Muslims
Martin Luther wrote, ¡§So while Muhammad enjoys victory, success, dominion and praise from the world (through God¡¦s anger or ordinance), we Christians carry the cross of our Lord, expecting our bliss, not in this life, but in the life to come. The common man, moved by his lower instincts, se....
Are reason and emotion equally necessary in justifying moral decisions?
A question that has long troubled moral philosophers is whether moral judgements are primarily the fruits of reason or of emotion. One tradition believes that moral judgements are largely the output of our emotional system. A competing tradition holds that while emotions are often heavily involved i....
argumentative text: Structure and characteristics
From Aristotle to the Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, argumentation is placed in the centre of the oratory discourse, as a technique to change the opinions of the others and to express our points of view.
Argumentation is an operation closely related to Rhetoric, which is th....
was born in 384 BC and lived until 322 BC. He was a Greek philosopher and scientist, who shares with Plato being considered the most famous of ancient philosophers. He was born at Stagira, in Macedonia, the son of a physician to the royal court. When he was 17, he went to Athens to study at Plato's ....
Felicia Lane
In 384 BC Aristotle was born in Greece, but more than a human was born, a piece of history was made, and Aristotle the father of Nichomachus, made him part of the royal family.
His first skills were in medicine, but in 367 he decided to switch professions to philosophy and with the ....
Assignment 4
In order for me to better understand Aristotles difference between matter and
form, I had to find out more about him and his thought process. I believe that Plato contributed abundantly to his mind set and process of thought. We have to realize that he spent some tw....
Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher who was born in 384 BC in a city called Stagira, which was north of Greece. His father, Nichomachus was the court physician to the Macedonian royal family who died when Aristotle was only ten years old. He was raised by a guardian named Proxenus. There were many....
Aristotle VS Plate
I believe Aristotle and Plato are both great thinkers. Aristotle and Plato both give good evidence to what they believe. There are some things that Plato says that I may or may not agree on, and same goes with Aristotle. In this essay I am going to prove why Aristotle and Plato both have an influe....
Aristotle: Unmoved Mover
For many centuries and even millennia thinkers have wondered what original force or entity propelled the universe to move in the circular motion that it moves in today. Supporters of the Big Bang theory argue that the universe was created by a massive explosion that arranged all the cosmos in its cu....
Aristotle's astronomy
To the modern reader, Aristotle's views on astronomy, as presented in Metaphysics, Physics, De Caelo (On the Heavens) and Simplicius' Commentary, will most likely seem very bizarre, as they are based more on a priori philosophical speculation than empirical observation. Although Aristotle acknowle....
arstotles poetics
Aristotles Poetics
Aristotle is the first systematic critic and his literary criticism is largely embodied in the poetics.
The Plan of The Book:
The poetics is divided into six parts, as follows.
1- Chapters I-V contain introductory remarks, on poetry, its classification into different kinds, ....
Assisted Sucide debate
Assisted Suicide for the Terminally Ill
Physician-assisted suicide occurs when the patient, ârequests a lethal drug which he himself can take at a time of his own choosing,â (Physician- Assisted Suicide, 1999). A common misconception about physician-assisted suicide is th....
Astronomy and medical science
It was during the 16th and 17th centuries when man's view of the unvierse and himself
changed drastically. This came after a millenium of repetition and stagnation in the
development of science. People finally began questioning what they were told, and they
went out to find proof rather than....
Athens and Sparta
During the Classical Age, two Greek cities really stood out among the rest as the most well known and the most successful. These two cities are Athens and Sparta. They are almost the exact opposite of each other. In almost every way, they differ. Athens is a well-educated, artistic, and political c....
Athens and Sparta
During the times of Ancient Greece, two major forms of government existed, democracy and oligarchy. The city-states of Athens and Sparta are the best representatives of democracy and oligarchy, respectively. The focus of the times was directed towards military capabilities, while the Athenians were ....
Beastly Behavior; Considering the Unethical Nature of Zoos
Zoo elephants swaying from side to side, cheetahs pacing endlessly, and manic monkeys grooming themselves to baldness. This disturbed trance-like behavior is a result of the lack of stimulus afforded to animals in captivity. However, to combat the positive aspect of zoos, it is also important to co....
Belonging Essay
The concept of belonging is said to be an intrinsic component of human existence, Aristotle suggesting that the impulse
to form a partnership of this kind is present in all men by nature. Peter Skrzyneckis Immigrant Chronicle and John
Boynes The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas challenge the perceptio....
Best Form Of Government
Best Form of Government Essay
As history has shown, there is no such thing as a perfectly functioning government. Every form has its shortcomings, whether it is the authoritarian rule of one individual, an oligarchic rule by a select few, or democratically allowing everyone an equal....
bio the need the day
Biology (from Greek Βìο meaning life and Λoγος meaning the study of) is the study of life. Biology encompasses a broad spectrum of academic fields that are often viewed as independent disciplines. However, together they address phenomena related to living organisms (bi....
Breakthroughs in Astronomy and Medicine in the 16th and 17th Centuries
It was during the 16th and 17th centuries when man's view of the unvierse and himselfchanged drastically. This came after a millenium of repetition and stagnation in thedevelopment of science. People finally began questioning what they were told, and theywent out to find proof rather than assuming....
Bureacracy: absolute or obsolete
Bureaucracy: absolute or obsolete?
Exploring the requirement of bureaucracy
to organisations.
Submitted: 13 November 2006
1. Introduction 1
2. Background to Organisation and Bureaucracy 1
3. Organisational Choices of Rational Bureaucracy, Advantages & Disadvantages 2
Capital Punishment
The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom (Aristotle). In law, capital punishment is the execution of a criminal for the commission of a particularly heinous offense, most often first degree murder. Historically speaking, as long as there has been support for this meth....
Catharsis is a Greek word meaning purification or cleansing derived from the ancient Greek gerund (transliterated as) kathairein to purify, purge, and adjective katharos pure or clean.
Catharsis can be interpreted as purification or purgation of the emotions (a....
Censorship in the middle ages
Jean- Jacques Annauds adaptation of Umberto Ecos book Name of the Rose presents several religiously-based issues including the censorship of books. The censoring or banning of books is a practice which has taken place throughout history, albeit for political, moral, or religious reasons. The c....
Center for Ethics and Business
1. Philosophical ethics
2. Teleological (results oriented) ethics
a. Jeremy Bentham: quantifying pleasure
b. John Stuart Mill: types of pleasure
3. Deontological (act oriented) ethics ....
Children of Eden
The Children of Eden was a play with eight main actors that played multiple parts. Alongside these main actors were the chorus, the chorus was made up of students of all ages and some middle school students played the young children. The story line being followed is one that almost all people would....
Cicero, was truly a man of the state. His writings also show us he was equally a man of philosophical temperament and affluence. Yet at times these two forces within Cicero clash and contradict with the early stoic teachings. Cicero gradually adopted the stoic lifestyle but not altogether entirel....
Citizen and the nature of gender Inequalities
Since the Second World War social liberalism has been the dominant theory of citizenship in western liberal democracies. This theory shows that equal and full citizenship for all adults born within the domain of the state already exists. However, social liberalism does not easily adapt to the idea t....
classical civilizations and slaves
All classical civilizations practiced the utilization of slaves including Greece, Rome, and India. All three countries have different viewpoints on slavery and the treatment of slaves. Varying factors such as race and ethnicity effected the way slavery is handled by the citizens of each country. S....
Comparison of Plato and Aristotle
Comparison of Plato and Aristotle
Throughout time changes in epistemology have varied significantly. An Important turning point in epistemology was when Platos view of the world was revised by Aristotle. Plato was a student of Socrates and was one of the greatest philosophers who ever live....
Constructivism / Behaviorism
Learning is growing it is about gaining knowledge that lasts. Wikipedia defines learning as the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values, through study, experience, or teaching, that causes a change of behavior that is persistent, measurable, and specified or....
Creation Vs. Evolution
Science is always changing and thus cannot be considered absolute. There are various theories of how the earth was formed and the evolution of man but nobody really knows for sure. Everyday a new theory is born and a new thought emerges in the world of science leaving everyone to hold still while ....
The day was long, dragging on and on as the evening approached. I was looking forward to watching the play, but since I disliked the book and the movie, I wasn't sure that I was going to like it. I was also dreading how long it was going to last. I was convinced that I was going to get bored and ti....
Culture and Intellectual Life
Theme: Culture and Intellectual Life.
Throughout history, many cultures have experienced a Golden Age when great advances were made in a society of different fields. The Renaissance in Europe, and the Islamic world from the 8th through the 12th centuries. Both of these cultures went through Golde....
Decorum Renaissance
The title of Renaissance scholar and historian John Hales 1993 book, The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance, is not only a reference to Jacob Burckhardts seminal tome on the Renaissance, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, it is in effect also a play on words. In his text, Hale....
Defining Democracy
What is Democracy and what is the minimalist conception of democracy? How are democratic regimes different from authoritarian regimes? And what are some of the factors that distinguish democratic systems from one another? Please discuss at least three of these factors and provide examples fr....
Dental History
In the beginning there were dinosaurs. Then came the people. For as long as people have had teeth, there has always been someone trying to fix them. Thus the dentist was born! Dentistry has a long and distinguished, not to mention interesting history. Anyone interested in dentistry should know a b....
Pity and fear are the emotions that, according to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, are aroused by the experience of watching a tragedy. Doctor Faustus is a late sixteenth-century morality play, designed to teach its audience about the spiritual dangers of excessive learning and ambition.
In fac....
Divine Comedy-The relationship between Virgil and Dante
The Divine Comedy is Dante Alighieris masterpiece which takes the reader through a journey with as many characters as there are symbols. Most of Dantes characters hold a special symbolism to Dante, whether it be their works having influenced him when he was living or actually having known the i....
Does Language Determine Thought
Does Language Determine Thought?
Does language actually determine thought, i.e. is it a decisive factor in how we think? To look at this question we must first define what language is. The dictionary definition is human speech... an artificial system of signs and symbols, with rules for fo....
Early Archaic Period
The start of Ancient Greece was 776BC. History books record this as the first Olympiad, more commonly known as the Olympic Games. Kings ruled the Greek states and cities and the political structure had only just formed. Before 776BC, there had been a lot happening and most of it had not been written....
Throughout history, man has made many advancements. These advancements have beenmade to make life easier. The one thing man can't do is to control Mother Nature. Mother Naturecan cause many things such as earthquakes.The causes of earthquakes have been theorized in many ways. According to the bo....
Ecofeminism and Animal Rights
Womens spirituality is connected to goddess mythology. In mythology goddesses are women who are shown as strong and creative, with the ability to create change and make a difference. In modern times it is a male centered system which has the power and there is nothing for women to take on spirit....
Effectiveness of the Australian Legal System in achieving justice for women
Aristotle, a wise Greek philosopher once said, "nothing is so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals". This is evident through statistical terms, as women are the largest disadvantaged group in Australian society today. Good morning Ms Carpenter and fellow classmates, today I will be evaluating ....
Erik Eriksons theory of personality as successor of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic theory
A Critical Evaluation.
Personality is acknowledged as the consistent set of characteristics and predilections that establish those commonalities and disparities in the psychological behaviour of animals across diversified socio-cultural and biological circumstances. This essay criticall....
Essay on Galileo Galilei
As a hero of science, Galileo Galilei long ago achieved secular sainthood. A finger is preserved like a holy relic in the museum of science in Florence, a vertebra at the University of Padua. His lavish tomb in Florence's magnificent basilica of Santa Croce has been newly buffed and polished by an o....
Ethical Dilemas Concering Education
At the dawn of human consciousness, mankind was struck upon the head with a double edged sword. One half of the blade cursed us with having to make difficult choices, the other gracing us with the ability to distinguish what is morally correct. Every day people are faced with difficult choices to ma....
Ethics: Whomsoever Much Is Given, Of Him Shall Be Much Required
Ethics: Whomsoever Much Is Given, Of Him Shall Be Much Required
In Luke chapter 12, verse 48, of the Spirit-Filled Life Bible, I found the follow passage, for unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more (Ne....
Evolution Verses Creationism
Whats right?
God created all life, is something that as a child my mother decided to engrave into my head. As a Catholic my mother is a strong believer of the natural aspect of life, and as many other Catholics the idea that God created everything. God himself makes even till now all the bu....
Executive Summary of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge
Cap Gemini America had the foresight and determination to greatly improve the process by which we served our Customers through a program we called Genesis. Cap Gemini introduced us to the idea of running our business through a well planned and ¡§process¡¨ focused methodology brought to us throu....
Fallacy Summary
Fallacy Summary and Application
Yolanda L
June 16, 2007
Fallacy Summary and Application
Why learn logical fallacies at all? Some of the reasons to learn logical fallacies are that once an error has been made in reasoning, a name can be given to that error. In brief, a fa....
Final Fantasy is one of the greatest video game franchises of all time. But has anybody ever stopped to think about what the significance of the game really is? For example, does Cloud really exist? Or does the end of the game justify the means? Final Fantasy isn't just a video game you play for fu....
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale named after the city of her birth place, was born on May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy. She is the daughter of William Edward Nightingale and Frances Smith. Her father William inherited his Uncle Peter Nightingales wealth which led him to change his maiden name from Shore to Nig....
Foundations of Psychology
Psychology is the study of human nature. It is the study of how humans react to changes, how they react to their environment, and to those around them (Boring, 1948). Since psychology became a recognized science there have been many different theories that have grown and evolved. Some of these the....
Galileo Galilei was born at Pisa on the 18th of February in 1564. His father, Vincenzo Galilei, belonged to a noble family and had gained some distinction as a musician and a mathematician. At an early age, Galileo manifested his ability to learn both mathematical and mechanical types of things, but....
Before understanding Galileo Galilei, we need to understand a little about the era he lived in, and its view of the Universe. 9
Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century B.C., said that the Earth was the center of the universe. Everything else--the moon, the Sun, the plan....
Galileo Galilei
The purpose of the Holy Scriptures is to tell us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. (Galileo Galilei; First Physicist, p. 81)
Galileo Galilei was an independent minded Italian astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher in the sixteen hundreds. His works are some of the most infl....
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei
Galileo has contributed more to the creation of modern science than anybody else in history. He was one of the first people to pioneer the areas of scientific method, physics, mathematics, and advances in technology. He also contributed to the rejection of complete allegiance to ....
Galileo, much more than an inventor
Galileo was the guy who invented the telescope. This is what most people say when they think about Galileo. However, Galileo did not invent the telescope, he only made improvements to it, to make important discoveries about astronomy; which helped to prove that the sun was the center of the univ....
Galileo: A Man on a Mission
In 1632, Galileo Galilei published his book "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems." As innocent as this may seem, the implications that were associated with the publishing of the book were soon evident. In the time prior to the publishing of the book, Galileo had been warned several times....
Gender and communication
A catalog which recently arrived at my house advertises T-
shirts and bumperstickers popularizing the words of feminist
scholars Cheris Kramarae & Paula Treichler: "Feminism is the
radical notion that women are people."(1) Indeed, sometimes I
think we've spent the last two millenn....
Genetically Modification, a Key to Progress
Imagine an apple that has all the nutrients in a vitamin tablet, a cow that makes more milk, sweeter blueberries, a potato that produces healthier french fries, non-allergen peanuts, a rice that helps treat blindness as well as strawberries that deliver needed medicines. This is all real and is happ....
Greek Civilization Encapsulated
To the extent that "Western Civilization" can be said to have an origin, it is the Ancient Greeks that have claim to it. Whereas the history of the Roman Empire is a chronology of its generals and emperors, the history of the Greeks is, with the exception of Alexander and his legacy in Egypt, one o....
Greek Life and Its Origin
The Greeks were one the most important societies in history due to their influences on the future and their importance to us today. However, it is also significant to know that they were preceded by the Minoans and Mycenaeans. Another interesting thing to think about is how different history would....
Greeks and Hebrews
Outline the contributions of the Hebrew and Greek societies to the development of a western worldview.
Western civilization has been greatly influenced by many ideas. Two peoples in particular the Hebrews and Greeks contributed greatly to the development of a western worldview. The Hebrews we....
For several thousands of years, drama has existed among mankind. The ancient Greeks are accredited with the creation of drama, which began as simple religious rituals and eventually evolved into the more complex forms of tragedies and comedies. The first rules of drama, not surprisingly, were also....
Hedonism means "pleasure" + âismâ. The hedonistic view focuses on increasing pleasure. There seems to be no common ground on what actually constitutes pleasurable or painful activities. The hedonistic philosophy usually has a sexual or libidinal connotation.
The basic ....
Henri Fayol : Father Of Business Management
Management has a rich past. Moses was consulted by Jethro, his
father-in-law, about the merits of organizing people. Confucius of
China advocated leadership should be conferred upon those
possessing proven abilities. Aristotle of Greece exhibited
tremendous wisdom regarding the de....
history and theory of informal education
History and Theory of Informal Education SPECS
Assignment (Report and Evaluation)
Write a report that will focus on an account of informal Education
that you have seen or experienced. Demonstrate the context
and underpin this with relevant theory.
Informal education occurs spont....
The unfolding of ancient Greek history and civilization is presented through Greek Literature. For many people Greek Literature began with two of the greatest and mature writtings which happen to be the Iliad and Odyssey. After about 50 years worth of research that was led by the work of Schileman....
History of Physics
Physics began when man first started to study his surroundings. Early applications of physics include the invention of the wheel and of primitive weapons. The people who built Stone Henge had knowledge of physical mechanics in order to move the rocks and place them on top of each other. It was not u....
History of Psychology
The introduction of contemporary scientific analysis and style in the seventeenth century changed European culture as the contemporary scientific analysis increased to philosophical understanding at some point in the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century. When the nineteenth century arrived, this ....
History of Psychology
Philosophers that historically relate to the beginnings of psychology as a formal discipline.
Aristotle, Plato, is credited with developing the doctrine of idealism, Socrates, made the statement that one should "know thy self", it is a cornerstone for psychology 2400 years later, and De....
How ancient eastern philosophies had an affect on western political systems
This paper is on how Greek, Roman, Judaic, and Christian philosophies that shaped the U.S. Constitution had an affect on contemporary political systems.
The Rome had established a law called the Civil Law which applied only to its citizens and was not used against foreigners. There was als....
How Can It Be?
What is it? Where is it? When and how can it be? Are questions that get asked everyday about everyday situations. These situations range from what is the meaning of life to is there a god? Philosophers have been doing their best to shine some light on these subjects since before Christ. I am sure....
How christianity built western CIilization
In past years I had come to learn that the Dark Age was an age of ignorance, repression, and uncivilized people. These terms also became applicable when discussing the Catholic Church during the age because the Church was the predominant power of the time period. These statements however could not....
How do stand-up comedians aim to marginalize and offend individuals, groups or societies?
This comedy portfolio aims to examine how individuals, groups or societies are included and excluded in stand-up comedy acts. The portfolio will also go onto discuss how stand-up comedy attempts to cause offence. Is offence taken due to marginalization or purely because comedians take the jokes too ....
How is Metaphysics used today
There are several issues today, which date back to the origins of philosophy and that still baffle men from all walks of life; questions like: What is reality? Are we truly free? And, what happens to us after death? These questions have troubled me as well at different points of my life. Although th....
How might emotions contribute to our rationality?
How might emotions contribute to our rationality?
The heart has its reasons that the reason does not know. ~ Pascal (Tejirian, 2010)
In 1941 Aristotle presented a cognitive theory of emotions, focusing on the function of physiological processes as an
important aspect of emotions (Power , 200....
human nature
Concept Of Human Nature
When we think of human nature, what comes into our mind? Is there or is there not human nature? Is man born good or bad? Well different philosophers have different viewpoint for human nature and as we go on we will find out that there is more to the concept....
Hypatia of Alexandria
There is an added interest in researching ancient women philosophers due to the fact that in those days women were generally considered vastly inferior to men- especially when it came to intellectual matters. It is clear that, nevertheless, there are some examples of very intelligent women who stood....
importance of mathematics
Mathematics is learnt in the school as a part of the curriculum and is practically applied in all spheres of our day-to-day existence. To understand its importance and the difference that would take place if it did not exist, one is also required to look at its roots and place of origin.
The pro....
Individualism was a unique concept that developed in the late eighteenth century Europe, which placed the individual on the highest pedestal, and considered the State to be merely a tool of protection from internal and external aggression so as to allow individuals to attain the pea....
Influence of Dostoyevskys Words and Manipulation in: Style, Voice, and Surroundings
Fyodor Dostoyevsky takes the readers on an intriguing and complex journey in his novel Crime and Punishment. This journey forces one to explore his or hers own feelings and emotions. Dostoyevsky skillfully explores the characters and settings to persuade and manipulate the readers posit....
Inspirations from the Greeks
The purpose of this paper is to show how the American society has been greatly influenced by ancient Greece. The influences that have affected our society are from Greek people, art, literature, clothing, philosophy, mathematics, science, games, food, schooling, womens life, and religion.
The G....
Is Gender Neutrality of Law a Myth?
The status of women as empowered citizens around the world is yet to be ascertained. Guided by the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it seems as if the trend towards a just social order reflects a better tomorrow, and yet, thousands of women suffer from the....
Is Macbeth a moral play? Is justice served at the end of the play?
Shakespeares Macbeth is a moral play about a man with vaulting ambitions, and tells the story of his life his valour, tyranny, and tragic downfall. Fitting Aristotles criteria of an ideal Greek tragedy, the story emphasises the many flawed judgements and consequential decisions which lead....
Is Musical Therapy as effective as Conventional Therapy in the treatment of Depression?
Music therapy is a relatively new subject, therefore of the number of people who have heard about it, many are uncertain and skeptical about what exactly it is, and if so, who and how much qualifications are required to practice it. There are also many misconceptions of its uses, its effects and pos....
Is The American Dream Killing You - Morals in The Market
Driving to the college one Saturday morning, I tuned into a non-profit radio station to which I enjoy listening. Instead of my favorite genre of music, a talk show was in progress. As my mind drifted, my consciousness was captured by the words so, are you saying that people think of The Mar....
Islam: The Empire of Faith
Islam: The Empire of Faith
"Islam: The Empire of Faith" is produced and directed by Robert Gardner and directed by Ben Kingsley. This documentary, split into three parts, goes in depth about the development of Islam through the ages and covers over one thousand years of Islamic history. ....
Jackie Kennedey
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, most often referred to as Jackie, was born July 28, 1929 into New York society. She was from a socially prominent family being the eldest daughter of John Black Jack Vernon Bouvier III, a playboy stockbroker,....
Jacqueline Kennedy
Even though people may be well known, they hold in their hearts the emotions of a simple person for the moments that are the most important of those we know on earth: birth, marriage and death (http://www. Brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/Jackie_kennedy.html 1).
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was bor....
Jim Morisson
Metamorphose. An object is cut off from its name, habits, associations. Detached, it becomes only the thing, in and of itself. When this disintegration into pure existence is at last achieved, the object is free to become endlessly anything."Jim Morrison, from The LordsPART I The Sex Revolts ....
John Gages- Why write?
With the Grain
In this essay John T. Gage goes into many meanings of writing and why you should write. In the first few pages he gives us an insight to what other philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle think about writing. Each has very different views about it and what they think writing is ....
Justification on Animal Testing
Justification of Animal Testing
In recent years, important debates have grown in popularity about the utilization of animals in medical research and related fields. People debate on the moral values involved in this argument wondering; what is the turning point that change scientific reasoning and ....
King Oedipus
King Oedipus
The proper hero for a tragedy is a man not eminently just and good, yet whose misfortune is brought about by no vice or depravity but by some error in judgement or some frailty. In this essay I will be discussing Greek tragedies and exploring this statement in detail in relation ....
law-Is it still relevant to the modern British constitution
Explain what is meant by the rule of law. Consider whether it is still of relevance to the modern British Constitution.
The English Legal System has a well-established doctrine of the rule of law. Many writers/ legal philosophers have commented upon the rule of law throughout history. Aristotl....
Learning Styles
Have you ever wondered why you have difficultly learning from a particular instructor whereas another seems to explain things in just the right way? Did you ever question why the course that your friends said was so easy turned into a struggle for you? The reason behind some of these discrepancies ....
Lessons of Major Barbara, Good Woman of Setzuan, and Madwoman of Chaillot
Lessons of Major Barbara, Good Woman of Setzuan, and Madwoman of Chaillot
Philosophers all over the world have pondered over the idea of
evil. This brings up another extremely essential question, how should we
live? Because we know that evil is existent in our world, does that mean we....
Life in the Home of an Alcoholic
Life in the Home of an Alcoholic
The topic I chose for the research assignment is Life in the Home of an Alcoholic. I chose to focus on the family as a whole, because I felt there would be too much information. I grew up in an unstable, relatively abnormal family; so I chose to ....
Links to Early Christianity
There are many different events that lead up to the time Jesus was born. Those events are what shaped and made the people of Christianity. Such as Helenization, Greek Philosophies, Jewish Religion, Jewish history and the Jews faith in Jesus. All of these things are connected to early Christianity.
MacBeth - Trajedy or Satire?
MacBeth - Trajedy or Satire?
William Shakespeare wrote four great tragedies, the last of
which was written in 1606 and titled Macbeth. This "tragedy", as it
is considered by societal critics of yesterday's literary world,
scrutinizes the evil dimension of conflict, offering a dark and
Machiavelli's Mirror of Princes
Machiavelli provided a blue print for republicanism far more compelling than earlier writers who stuck to the premise that rulers and their subjects should be governed by the precepts of Christianity. One of the reasons that Machiavelli proposed a republic devoid of religious rule was due to his di....
Marcus Aurelius: Philosopher King
In Plato's Republic, Plato discusses at length the concept of a perfect state. This state, a cognizant reconstruction of the soul as Plato saw it, is in perfect balance and dedicated to a certain philosophical ideal. The ruler of this perfect state must be near perfect himself, skilled in war, mat....
Marketing is the most challenging aspect of business today. It is, probably, the weakest area of knowledge as well. Many people believe that marketing is just about putting together their print materials and some advertising, however, it is far from true. Marketing is defined as all....
Martin Luther
When studying the facets of Western Civilization, a few recurring questions must be analyzed. Will those in power abuse it? Unfortunately, yes. Does freedom spawn intellectual, technological and social progress? For the most part, yes. Was Martin Luther, in historical terms, a bad ass?Carter Li....
Red or blue? Which pill would you take, and why?
If Neo takes the blue pill that Morpheus offers him, he will overlook the matrix and go back to his deceptive yet reasonably harmless and predictable existence. If he takes the red pill, on the other hand, he will make out humanity as it re....
Myth and Modernity in the Novels of R. K Narayan
Myth and Modernity in the Novels of R. K Narayan
The study of myth began with the publication of Frazers The Golden Baough. Ernst Cassirer in his Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (1923-29) writes that the symbols are shaped by mans needs and purposes. In the symbol there is a thorough going iden....
Natural Law Approach to Ethics
The Natural Law Approach to Ethics
Which is the correct approach to ethics? Some may say the Natural Law approach, while some may oppose the Natural Law and side with the Divine Command Theory. There really is no correct approach to side with, it depends on your personal beliefs, and how you....
nichomacaen ethics
In the Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle expresses his ethics as the science that guides us in achieving the supreme good. He identifies this human good as happiness. Happiness according to Aristotle must be based on human nature and should begin with personal experience. Aristotle states Thus, Happin....
Odepuis As a tragic Heroe
In the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles , Oedipus is a classic hero. According to Aristotles definition, Oedipus is a tragic hero because he is a king whose life falls apart when he finds out his life story. There are a number of characteristics described by Aristotle that identify a tragic hero. Oed....
Clark 1The play Oedipus The King begins with the king and queen of Thebes, Laius and Jocasta. Laius was warned by an oracle that his own son would kill him and that he would marry his mother, Jocasta. Determined to reverse their fate, Laius pierced and bound his newborn sons feet and sent a servant ....
Opposite But the Same: Thomas More and King Henry VIII
Opposite But the Same: Thomas More and King Henry VIII
Andrew Yates
Professor Tangerini
13 December 2006
Yates 2
During the time of the two men in question, there were numerous variables that influenced both King Henry VIII and Thomas Mores th....
philosophical approach to superheroes
Jean- Paul Sartre once stated that, it is up to the individual to choose the life they think best. When this principle is applied to popular-culture icons such as superheroes, it becomes apparent that how one acts is influenced by ones personal life experiences. This reaction defines the m....
Philosophy - The Dialectical Method
There are a lot many descriptions for the word dialectic. By viewing all of them what I have ended up concluding in the given context, i.e. Socrates’ Dialectical Method, is that:Dialectic is a variety of languages, conceivably a sort of a composition of the languages in this variety. The word ....
Philosophy of Learning
Philosophy of Learning
Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.
Aristotle, (340 B.C.)
It is without question that the ability to learn is the most important virtue that any ....
Philosophy of Visual Disability
The greatest expression of the ultimate timeless civilisation of mankind, is the embodiment of unfeigned, absolute, active altruistic reverence for the universal equality, dignity and sanctity of humanity; the inability to perceive the declivity from behind an acclivity, or rat....
1. Explain Platos tripartite theory of the individual and the society. Show that you can use the terms such as appetites, passions, and reason and relate them to the three classes shopkeepers, auxiliary /soldiers, and philosopher kings/queens. Discuss the concepts of balance and harmony and ....
Plato's Philosophies
Plato was born to an aristocratic family in Athens, Greece. When he was a child his
father, Ariston, who was believed to be descended from the early kings of Athens died, and his
mother, Perictione married Pyrilampes. As a young man Plato was always interested in political
leadership and event....
Platonic forms
Platonic forms
Plato is one of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosophers. Known as the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, he wrote in the middle of the fourth century B.C.E. His earliest works are regarded as the most reliable of the ancient sou....
Platonic forms
What are the platonic forms, how can we know them,and how are they related to the things we are familiar with?
Plato (BCE 427-347)
Plato is one of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosophers. Known as the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, he wrote in t....