American Dream of Warren Buffett
The popular American capitalist, Warren Buffett, has set the standard for many people by reaching the American Dream for most; from the moment young Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska, he had always targeted high and worked harder than anyone, to reach those infinite goals. Many people have....
Ben Graham, methods of portolio allocation
The investment world has been glamorized and demonized by popular films like Wall Street and Boiler Room. These movies portray only stereotypes and half-truths of investing, the lubrication that keeps our countrys economic engine moving. The two objectives of this paper are: First to show the ba....
Case Study: Warren Buffet,
Of the most successful American businesses over the past four decades, one in particular has been the focus of countless analyses due in part to its remarkable success. Berkshire Hathaway, self-described as a holding company with subsidiaries engaged in a number of diverse business activities, was o....