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46 Bolshevik Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports

The Life of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin One of the most powerful and murderous dictators in human history, Stalin was the supreme ruler of the Soviet Union for a quarter of a century. His regime of terror caused the death and suffering of tens of millions of his subjects, but he was also in charge of the war machine t....

Analyse the methods by which Stalin maintain his position as the ruler of a single-party state
Word count: 1752 The period between the rise of Stalin and the German invasion in Russia, is one of the most contradictory of Soviet Union history. Stalin had a lot of supporter, and a lot of enemies also. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to rule, alone, a huge State as Russia, for 25 ye....

Ancient Persian Empire
The earliest known record of the Persians comes from an Assyrian inscription from c. 844 BC that calls them the Parsu (Parsuash, Parsumash) and mentions them in the region of Lake Urmia alongside another group, the Madai (Medes). For the next two centuries, the Persians and Medes were at times tribu....

Animal Farm
The main purpose of satire is to attack, and intensely criticise the target subject. This is superbly carried out in the classic piece of satire, Animal Farm. The main targets at the brunt of this political satire are the society that was created in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and....

Bolshevik Consolidation of Power
How were the Bolsheviks able to maintain their power in 1924? The Bolsheviks were able to maintain their power to 1924 by pragmatically applying policies to suit the circumstances they found themselves in. By using decrees, force, foreign policy, terror and economic policy as required, the Bols....

Causes and Effects of World War I
World War I is arguably the most significant event of the 20th Century. This war which was expected to last but a few months dragged on for four years ending the world of the 19th Century. A war of this magnitude had many factors that contributed to its outbreak. Economic, political, and cultural....

Claude McKay & Jean Toomer
Claude McKay was born on September 15th 1890, in the West Indian island of Jamaica. He was the youngest of eleven children. At the age of ten, he wrote a rhyme of acrostic for an elementary-school gala. He then changed his style and mixed West Indian folk songs with church hymns. At the age of s....

Constructing a Revolution
A BRIEF EXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE RUSSIAN AVANT-GARDE AND THE OCTOBER REVOLUTIONThe Russian Avant Garde began in Russia in about 1915 It was the year that Malevich revealed his Suprematist compositions that reduced painting to total abstraction. and rid the pictures of any referenc....

corporate governance in Russia
Introduction Russia is considered to be an emerging market, a fact always connected to creating an economy from scratch. Therefore, after going through a complete restructuring in the Post-Soviet era, the country for the first time encountered the topic of contemporary corporate structure. ....

Crucible in relation to the Red Scare
Suspicion, incrimination, and inquiry. Living with the fear that the hysteria that had overtaken the surrounding communities would overtake the world. Lives forever ruined and relationships tarnished and stopped in their very tracks. The Salem Witch Trials and the Red Scare are characteristics of t....

Dance in Europe and North America
As European culture became more cosmopolitan, dances from various areas were practiced outside of those areas, on the one hand, and new dances began to be invented, especially in Italy. As dances began to be performed outside of their cultural context, instruction manuals were now required.[4] Balle....

Democracy VS Dictatorship
Democracy Vs Dictatorship Imagine the next time you step into the voting booth your ballot only lists one candidate to choose from. Or perhaps your ballot lists four candidates, but they are all from the Liberal party. Dictatorships are one party political systems that are ruled by one leader or....

democracy vs dictatorship
Democracy Vs Dictatorship Democracy vs Dictatorship Essay written by heather Imagine the next time you step into the voting booth your ballot only lists one candidate to choose from. Or perhaps your ballot lists four candidates, but they are all from the Liberal party. Dictatorships are one party....

democracy Vs dictatorship
Dictatorship Vs Democracy At present, dictatorship and democracy are the two most common forms of governments in the world. Generally a dictatorship is like monarchy, a government by one man who is advised and guided by a set of people who may be called his ministers or secretaries. A democracy....

Democracy vs. Dictatorship - World War II
We can trace the earliest example of direct intervention by government in the 6th century. It was ruled by Umar ibn al-Khattāb, who was a second caliph of Islam. Social policies were and are very important in our society, because they determine a structure and organization to our community.....

Discontent in Russia
The precondition to the October revolution in Russia was a period between 1905 and 1917. During this time there was a lot of social, economic and political discontent which existed. Revolutions occur because of these factors. The precondition phase indicates how and why this event occurred. The soci....

European History: Single party states
The crises faced by the Bolsheviks in the period 1917 to 1924 forced them to be ruthless and blind to human suffering. The charisma Lenin used in seizing power was replaced by terror in the suppression of political, military and economic threats. By the time of his death, the Bolsheviks had control ....

Evaluate the impact of Lenin’s death in 1924 on party leadership and the debate over modernisation w
Evaluate the impact of Lenin’s death in 1924 on party leadership and the debate over modernisation within the Bolshevik Party. Following Lenin’s death in 1924, debate about Russia’s economic future became tangled in a leadership struggle between Trotsky and Stalin. The conflict largely took the....

Explain why the Reds were victorious in the Russian Civil War
Explain why the Reds were victorious in the Russian Civil War. The October Revolution of 1917, in which the Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin, brought about a coup, to overthrow the Provisional Government was a success. They presented the takeover as a revolution in the name of the workers'....

Frankenstein, Dracula and Shrek Marxist Interpretations
English Assignment Refer to two core texts and a related text. Your aim is to examine links and divergence and to account for this. The precise focus of your examination is your own choice. You could examine genre, ideas, motifs, social forces etc. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and Bram Stokers....

French Revolution
Between 1861 and 1917, Russian society had undergone many changes. It is safe to say that every aspect of that society had been some how modified. These changes led up to the Bolshevik revolution in November of 1917. Given the nature of Russian society, was the Bolshevik revolution unavoidable? ....

How and why were the White forces defeated in The Russian Civil War?
The White armies The forces that ranged against the Soviet government seemed to be overwhelming, in the summer of 1918. The Volunteer army under Anton Denikin, with French and British supporters, had cleared the Don and Kuban regions of Bolsheviks and threatened the food and fuel supplies of So....

Joseph stalin
Joseph Stalin JOSEPH STALIN, (1879-1953), Russian political leader, who was the undisputed leader of the USSR from 1929 until his death. He helped to convert communism in the USSR from an egalitarian, revolutionary movement into an authoritarian, bureaucratic governmental system. He helped to tur....

Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin may be dead but his existence and cruelty still haunts Russia. He became the leader of Russia shortly after Lenin’s death. He was paranoid, mean, and he didn’t trust anyone. He used people and made them do what he wanted but later he ended up either killing or imprisoning them. He wa....

karl marx
Karl Marx Karl Heinrich Marx was born May fifth 1818, in a middle class home in Trier on the river Moselle in Germany. Marx came from a long line of Rabbis who where influenced by Voltaire and Rousseau. Karl was educated at home until the age of thirteen, he was sent to college at an early age o....

Lenin, A New Biography
Lenin’s life in Lenin, A New Biography reflects on his family’s ancestry and his childhood along with the childhood of his immediate family. Dmitri Volkogonov, the author, focuses on the theories Lenin had, where he drew them from and how he executed the philosophies that were proposed by hi....

Main stages in the relations between the USA and the USSR between 1917 and 1945
After the First World War in which the USA and Russia had fought on opposing sides the Russian revolution of 1917 encouraged America’s negative attitude towards the nation to become more a feeling of recognition. However this was short lived as the Bolshevik uprising began and an anticapitalist wor....

Marxist Policy: Lenin vs. Stalin
The 20th century was marked by an era in which all parts of the world felt the pervasive impact of Communism, a movement that was initiated by the German philosopher Karl Marx. Marx’s ideas and theories became known as Marxism, which proposes a classless society to promote equality and the dictato....

Much of lenins success was no doubt explained by his towering domination over his (Bolshevik) party.
Title: Much of lenins success was no doubt explained by his towering domination over his (Bolshevik) party. To what extent does this explanation account for his rise to power and rule, 1917 to 1924? Much of Lenin’s success can be explained by this towering domination over the Bolshevik party alt....

Singing Revolution - Estonia
Estonia- bordered to the north by Finland, Russia in the east, Latvia to the south and the Baltic Sea to the west, is a small country in Northern Europe with a population of around 1.34 million. Estonians are among the oldest peoples in the world with the earliest settlements dating around 11000 yea....

Social Change In the 1920's
Social Change in the 1920's After the horrors of the Great War, President Harding believed that our Nation needed a return to normalcy. However, the 1920's turned out to be a decade that was anything but normal. The men who had risked their lives “for an older generation’s ideas and mist....

Joseph Stalin, an official of the Communist party, was the successor of Lenin after his death. His goal was to continue what Lenin had left behind that is to build a classless society in which the means of production were in the hands of the people.Stalin was born Joseph Djugashvili to a poor famil....

Stalins Success in fullfilling Bolshevik ideals
The Russian Revolution in 1917 was a Bolshevik push for Communism and equality but the years that followed the overthrow of the Provisional Government were not in line with the original views of revolutionists. After the 1917 Revolution in October there was famine and poverty as Russia struggled to ....

The Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917
The Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 is very important in the history of Russia. The importance of the revolution is demonstrated through the leadership, ideas, organisation, international influence and violence and terror behind the revolution. October 1917 saw the Bolsheviks take control ....

The Chechen Insurgency
The Chechen Insurgency A friend of mine once remarked that any country east of Germany had a weird name, a place much unlike anything they considered normal. I believe my friend is typical of many Americans. The world as a whole is a daunting place, filled with complexities, disputes, and diff....

The effect of Hitler's childhood on the holocaust
The holocaust is an atrocity to human intelligence and human dignity. It overshadows all other events in history in terms of organized crimes. The question of how it happened and why no one stopped still prolongs today. Many believe that it was caused by racial intentions, and a belief of a superi....

The Leadership Contest: Trotsky vs. Stalin
1) Explain Trotsky’s contribution to the success of the Bolsheviks up to 1922. In October 1917 Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks wanted to start the new revolution to overthrow the Provisional Government. Leon Trotsky strongly advised him to wait. Then, during the night of the 6th of November,....

The peasant as a revolutionary
Marx had great scorn for the peasants as he believed that the very conditions of the labour and the isolation it brought would prevent them from seeing themselves from seeing themselves as an oppressed class. Without class consciousness the peasants would never be a revolutionary force. Marxists ha....

The Rise of Communism in Russia
Unless we accept the claim that Lenins coup dtat gave birth to an entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the history of mankind, we must recognize in today’s Soviet Union the old empire of the Russians—the only empire that survived into the mid 1980s (Luttwak, 1). In their Commun....

The role of marshal J. Pisudski in the Battle of Warsaw
A Plan of the investigation The topic of this essay is the role of J. Pilsudski in the Warsaw Battle , basing on two sources: „Pisma zbiorowe”of J. Pilsudski and „Osiemnasta decyduj¹ca bitwa w dziejach œwiata” (The 18th greatest battle in the history of the world) of D’Abernon. The meth....

The unsolved mystery of Anastasia Romanov
The Unsolved Mystery of Anastasia Romanov The Romanovs Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna was born on June 18, 1901. Her parents were Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia, and his wife Alexandra. Anastasia had three elder sisters: Olga, Tatiana, and Maria. Her only brother, Alexei, was born in....

To what extent was Stalin responsible for the purges between 1932 and 1939
To what Extent was Stalin Responsible for the Purges between 1932 and 1939? Abstract The essay discusses Stalin’s responsibility of the purges between 1932 and 1939. The first part of the essay will briefly assess Lenin’s legacy on Stalin’s terror mechanism. This is followed by the....

Ukrainian Famine
For the people’s of what is now known as Eastern Europe, the Communist Revolution of 1917, was one of the most important and devastating events that has ever taken place. And for the people of the Ukraine from the years 1932-1933 the word ‘Holodomor’ would carry with it only the memories of deat....

Why did Stalin rather Trotsky emerge as the leader of USSR
Why did Stalin rather than Trotsky emerge as the leader of the USSR in 1929? After Vladimir Lenin’s death in 1924, a power struggle for control of the Bolshevik party had begun. Amongst the several contenders, two of the most important names in the power struggle were Leon Trotsky, and J....

Why were the Bolsheviks able to seize power in October 1917?
In this essay I will be finding out why the Bolsheviks were able to take power in October 1917. The main body will consist of three parts. Firstly, the reasons why the Provisional Government in Russia had lost support due to the problems in Russia that were not handled by them. Secondly, the reasons....

World War II
Japanese Americans were under suspicion because of acts of sabotage and conspiracy to commit a crime. Japanese Americans served in the military, became spies, bought war bonds, etc. Japanese Americans were seen as inferior because of their small number and the kind of labor that they p....

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