A Rising Epidemic in Child Obesity
A Rising Epidemic in Child Obesity
Child obesity is and has been for quite some time now a serious problem throughout the industrialized world. It is a physical and social struggle, predominately in the United States, which has grasped many people by the throat, granting th....
Child Obesity
Obesity is on the rise, and it is becoming more and more of a national health concern. It effects more than 1/3 of the population, and an additional 1/3 is overweight. With obesity becoming more and more of a problem each year, the American population is going to suffer from a catastrophic....
Child obesity
Childhood obesity
Over the years, an epidemic has swept over the country and even the world. No it is not a disease, but it is a serious health concern. Obesity is a nation and worldwide problem. As one of the fattest countries in the world, America has many at serious risk. In 2002, date showed ....
Child Obesity Is Not Gluttony
Child Obesity Is Not Gluttony.
Approximately 30.3 percent of children ages 6 to 11 are overweight and 15.3 percent are obese.(AOA Fact Sheet) The number of children and adolescents who are overweight and/or obese are now higher than it has ever been before. Childrens weight problems are due....
Childhood Obesity, Who's fault is it?
Why Child Obesity is a Sociological Problem
My hypothesis has gradually changed as I learned exactly what was meant by a sociological problem. There have been plenty of discussions as to the fact that child obesity is a problem, the causes, and possible solutions, but it wasnt until recent....