19 Counselors Essays, Term Papers and Book Reports
Case Assessment - Case of China Jose
This case assessment reflects an eight-year-old adolescent female named China Jose, who displays behaviors related to ADHD and PTSD. Applied within this paper are current theories of counseling with children and adolescents. A plan will be developed for the improvement of cultural divers....
Comparing and Contrasting the Ethics Codes of the ACA and AACC:
Many mental health organizations have ethics codes which create guiding principles for professionals. Within in counseling profession alone there are several organizations with ethics codes. The two ethics codes that will be examined in this paper come from the American Counseling Associat....
Counselors Perceptions of Ethical behaviors
The title of this article is Counselor's Perceptions of Ethical behaviors which comes from Journal of Counseling, and was published in spring of 2011. The authors are Edward S. Neukrug and Tammi Milliken.
The main purpose of this article is to discuss the differences in making ethnic decisions and....
Credit CARD Act of 2009
"An Act to amend the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of credit...." - H.R.627 title
When President Barack Obama signed the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, credit card issuers experienced the m....
Eating disorders
Many women are concerned with their appearance. Too many of them are caught up with the image of being skinny and pretty. By seeing all the beautiful, thin women in the media and in society, they may feel insecure about the way they look. Therefore, they try and do anything they can to acquire that ....
Global Communications: Gap Analysis
Gap Analysis: Global Communications
The telecommunications industry has become flooded with competition. As a result, Global Communications (GC) must make the appropriate moves to position themselves to grow and become the industry leader they would like to be. Through the introduction of new s....
Is Divorce Always Detrimental to Children?
Nowadays, divorce has come way far from being a taboo to even talk about to doing it without serious considerations of the ill effects on children in our society. According to statistics of 2002 on divorce among Hong Kong couples, for every 1000 people, 99 of them get divorce. Many critics might arg....
Middle School Characteristics: An Analysis
Middle school is a very crucial age for most students. This is the time in their lives when they have so many physical, emotional, and social changes taking place, it is hard to prevent an implosion! "Adelson (1983) concluded that between the ages of 13 and 15, adolescents experience a gradu....
My Night at the Shelter
community observation was with the Faltis Chidrens Shelter in Summersville, West Virginia. I will attempt to describe the experience with a combination of facts and non-bias opinions.
The shelter is a non-profit organization that receives its funds from private donations and subsidies from....
Problem Solution and Defense - GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS
The telecommunications industry has become flooded with competition. As a result, within the last three years, Global Communications (GC) stock has declined more than 50%. GC must make the appropriate moves to position themselves to grow and become the industry leader they would like to be.
Problem Solution and Defense in the telecommunications industry
Problem Solution: Global Communications
The telecommunications industry has become flooded with competition. As a result, within the last three years, Global Communications (GC) stock has declined more than 50%. GC must make the appropriate moves to position themselves to grow and become the ind....
Project Plan Forecast
Accurate project forecasting is essential for long term planning, forecasting will not only show you what to expect in profits, it will also forewarn you of impending problems. The forecast plan can yield multiple benefits to the business owner. First, the forecast plan is a valu....
School Counseling
A Description and definition of a School Counselors duties and environment.
School counseling began in the United States due to different events and social forces during the 20th century. At the turn of the century people were moving more into the city limits than living outside the city. There....
Sigmund Freud and the Psychodynamic Approach
Sigmund Freud and the Psychodynamic Approach
Sigmund Freud is the founder of psychodynamic approach and developer of the psychodynamic theory. The psychodynamic approach includes all of the theories in psychology that see the functioning of the human in relation to personality, and to the interac....
student dress code
Dress Codes in schools
Generation X had to face the issues of marijuana usage, drug distribution, gang violence, and teen pregnancy. The generation that has followed, of today, has so much more they have to tackle; including the still and ever so controversial issues as Generation X.
substance abuse counselor
Carmen Helin
Mid Term Think Paper;
Substance Abuse Counselor
Drug abuse has long been a social problem in the North America which has been increasing dramatically the past 20 years. So for one to work as a substance abuse counselor they must first take the necessary steps that they need....
verbal and non verbal communication
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
When we are attempting to transfer our meaning to another person, we use three different modes, methods, or
channels to carry our intentions. We use these modes to tell people who we are, how we experience the world,
and the meaning we attach to our experi....
Workplace Drug Screening Opinion
Substance abuse affects employee health and workplace safety. Drug testing in the workplace sparks debate and controversy based on privacy issues, reliability and ethical or legal reasons. The methods and procedures used vary depending on what drug a tester is looking for. The procedures can ....