Amusing Ourselves to Death; Mediums, Friend or Foe?
Electronic media is inferior to print media due to the fact that electronic media can be bias, selective, and evasive for the purpose of entertainment. Electronic media serves as a form of entertainment with a main goal of serving their ratings rather than serving the people. It would seem that Pos....
Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes how the Media Distort the News
Anytime the average person reads anything like Bias, it should be considered nothing less than eye-opening. Bernard Goldberg worked at CBS news for nearly thirty years and won many awards, including Emmys. Right away the reader can look at Goldbergs credentials and know that this man possesses t....
Dan Rather v. CBS and Viacom
This week former news anchor and anchor on the CBS Evening News, Dan Rather, filed suit again CBS saying that company deliberately breached his contract by removing him from the program, and that the company committed fraud when it commissioned a biased and incomplete investigation on the flawed bro....
Ethics: Whomsoever Much Is Given, Of Him Shall Be Much Required
Ethics: Whomsoever Much Is Given, Of Him Shall Be Much Required
In Luke chapter 12, verse 48, of the Spirit-Filled Life Bible, I found the follow passage, for unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more (Ne....
wild cowboys - drug dealering gang of New York
Wild Cowboys
By James Andrade II
The Wild Cowboys were the most notorious drug dealing gang in the
history of New York City. The Sepulveda brothers, Lenny and Nelson were responsible
for the major part of the drug deal....