A Breif Hisory of Ska Music
A Brief History of Ska Music
Ska is a genre of music currently led by the likes of bands Reel Big Fish and Catch 22. Some may define ska music simply as punk with trumpets when it has its roots deeply embedded in many other genres that have, themselves evolved. The origins of ska came to b....
Computer games
Computer games in the information systems industry account for over seven billion dollars in sales in 2003 and are a pivotal component in driving both the software and hardware portions of the industry. (Entertainment Software Association, 2003). Computer games are quickly taking a....
Dragons have been part of mythology and legends for thousands of years. Almost every country in the world holds a story or background associated with these creatures.
Dragons are one of the oldest creatures in mythology and have been part of traditions since the beginning of time. The dragon ca....
Dragons Son
On a very distant planet in a faraway galaxy, there is an immense empire called Dawnstar. It's orbited by two other planets and six moons. For millenniums, humans existed as unintelligent and simplistic beings. Now, in the 3052nd year after recorded creation, not much has changed since the beginning....
Eragon is a 15-year-old boy who lives with his poor but proud family on the edge of the village of Carvahall. He was out hunting one day in the Spine, a mountain range that is known for the bad luck that befalls those who enter it, a magical explosion shakes the ground. ....
gender stereotypes start with toys
For this observation of toys and their encouragement of social roles, I went
to Kaybee Toys. As I walked towards the back aisles could tell right away
which isle was the boys and which one was the girls from the differences in
color. The girls isle is very pink and very colorful, The boys....
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, written by J.K. Rowling, is an excellent example of a modern novel that uses medieval influences extensively. Many of the novels characters are based on medieval ideas and superstitions. The settings in the book resemble old medieval towns as well as castles. The....
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, written by J.K. Rowling, is an excellent example of a modern novel that uses medieval influences extensively. Many of the novels characters are based on medieval ideas and superstitions. The settings in the book resemble old medieval towns as well as castles. The....
Ice to the Eskimos
How do you jump-start a company? How do you market a product that nobody wants? Lessons drawn from the world of sports have long proven applicable to the world of business. Jon Spoelstra, who pushed sponsorship and fan revenue to unprecedented heights for the lowly New Jersey Nets basketball franchi....
Inspiration Dragon
Dragons, once believed to be real at one time, are still alive in our hearts and our imaginations; theyve inspired many great movies and literature. Many great novels have been inspired by the very concept of dragons, if not the whole then at least parts. The History of Dragons intrigues many.
Raphael Biography
Raphael, who was also called Raffaello Sanzio, Raffaello Santi, Raffaello da Urbino or Rafael Sanzio da Urbino, was a renaissance artist who had a profound effect on the art world during his time. He was a master painter and architect of the Florentine school. He also was alive during the time of M....
There once was a ribbon. Her name was Ribbon, as plain as the decorative object that she was. Ribbon was very vain and liked to get up every morning from her place in the sewing basket full of odds and ends. Every morning, she would look into the small pink hand mirror that would be lying beside her....
The Abstraction of Beasts
Carl Sagan. The Abstractions of Beasts
Tom Regan. The Case for Animal Rights
This week we will be taking up two essays on the topic of animal rights: The Abstractions of Beasts, published in 1977 by Carl Sagan, and The Case for Animal Rights published in 1985 by....
The Economic Emergence of China, Japan and Vietnam
World War 2 in the mid-90's drew a hard blow and left a serious and lasting effect to many Asian countries. This however, did not hamper the growth of countries such as China, Japan and Vietnam as their government were taking serious steps to recover economically. Thus, the global market cannot deny....
The Sociopolitical Ramifications of Computer Gaming
Since the dawning of civilization, when the first humans walked the earth, games have played an integral part in human society. Humanity has always had a passion for pastimes and has accordingly created an immense number of methods for achieving diversion. From the game of Senet, an ancient Egyptian....
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
Assignment 2
An analysis of the use of events as a strategy in the marketing and promotion of a tourism destination
Submission Date: 20th May 2005
Abstract ------------------....
Wendell Sailor
Biography of Wendell Sailor
Unfortunately, the future of one of the most well known Australian rugby union and rugby league player, Wendell Sailor, came to a dramatic end when he failed a random drug test in 2006. This was devastating to the Australian Rugby fans as Wendell was an amazing rugby....
In a private club in Tokyo's neon-lit Ginza entertainment district, men in dark pinstripe suits drink, smoke and play cards. A few of the men are huddled together in a corner, involved in hushed but animated conversation. Others puff their chests out for the accommodating "comfort women" who adorn....